Richland County nurses will be here on Nov. 7th from 9:00-12:00 in the multi-purpose room to give flu vaccines to students that returned permission slips. The permission slips will be sent home soon. If you want your child to be vaccinated, please fill out the permission slip and return to the school. High School students should stop in the office for permission slips.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Wear red TOMORROW, to support Red Ribbon Week and a healthy, drug free life!
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
10-24-19 Red Ribbon Week is observed from October 23rd-October 31st. It is a celebration of healthy, drug-free choices and lifestyles.“Marijuana can cause permanent IQ loss of as much as 8 points when people start using it at a young age. These IQ points do not come back, even after quitting marijuana.” SAMHSA
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
This just in! FAFSA competion help is in the Science Building on the UW-Platteville Richland campus tonight!
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Extended! You can still register until this Friday to attend the Family Literacy Night featuring Mike McNair. The event is Monday, October 28th beginning at 6pm.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Family Literacy Night with Mike McNair
Don't forget! Get help completing a FAFSA TONIGHT! Come to Melvill Hall on the UW-Platteville Richland campus to receive your free assistance at 6pm. Attendees are entered to win a scholarship. Details are available at
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
The first Game Club night will be tomorrow, Oct 24 from after school until 5 PM. Meet in the Commons for a healthy snack and then we will go to the Multi Purpose Room. See you then!
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Good luck to the Ithaca WIHA team as they compete at state competition this Friday thru Sunday. Trail and Ranch riding are Friday beginning at 3pm. Sat and Sunday shows start at 8AM in the New Holland Pavilion by the Alliant Energy Center. Hope to see you there.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
The Ithaca/RC horse club will be having a share night at Culver's TONIGHT, Wednesday, to help pay for the fees for going to state WIHA and for scholarships. Come out and support the group as they prepare to compete at state this weekend!
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Red Ribbon Week is observed from October 23rd-October 31st. It is a celebration of healthy, drug-free choices and lifestyles. Underage drinking increases the risk of alcohol problems later in life. Research shows that people who start drinking before the age of 15 are four times more likely to meet the criteria for alcohol dependence at some point in their lives.” SAMHSA
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Reminder: Rural Route 1 popcorn order pickup is this Friday, Oct. 25 from after school until 8 PM and on Saturday Oct. 26th from 8 AM to Noon. If you are unable to pick up at this time please contact Jill Plonka or Karia Brown to arrange another time for pick up. Also, if you are available on Friday at 2 PM we are looking for people to assist in unloading and sorting orders and would greatly appreciate the help!
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
There will be a popcorn sale this Friday, October 25. Cost is 50 cents a bag, limit 2 bags per student please. Proceeds this week will go to the 1st grade class. Middle and High School students: we will come around to the classrooms to sell at Attack time with teacher permission.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
The PTSO's Trunk or Treat is back! This year it will be held at the School Forest on Saturday, October 26 from 4 PM - 6 PM. HS Student Council will be guiding trail walks from 4-6 and from 6-8 PM Haunted (scary) Trail walks! This event is FREE and there will be prizes for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place decorated trunks. Hot cider and cocoa will be available as well!
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Trunk or Treat
Next Wednesday, October 30th, the Art Club will be hosting Share Night at Culvers from 4-8pm. Please come and support the Ithaca Art Club!
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Don't miss out! Ithaca School District's Title 1 Program and PTSO welcome author Mike McNair on Monday, October 28th! ​Register your family and return the form to your student's teacher by October 22nd. Details and form can be found on the "News" tab of our site and app.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Literacy Night - Mike McNair
FAFSA! Ugh! Need help completing a FAFSA? Free assistance is available this Wednesday, October 23rd at the UW-Platteville-Richland campus beginning at 6pm. Attendees are entered to win a scholarship. Details are available at
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Seniors and Freshmen: Dale and Jostens will be here on Thursday from 9:30-10 during attack time to take ring and cap and gown orders. Please have payments ready for any extra things you want to purchase other than your cap and gown. Caps and gowns are paid for by the class.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Red Ribbon Week is observed from October 23rd-October 31st. It is a celebration of healthy, drug-free choices and lifestyles. Red Ribbon Week commemorates the sacrifice of Enrique Camarena, an undercover Drug Enforcement Agent who gave his life in the line of duty, trying to prevent drug addiction. During this time, our students will be learning more about healthy choices and how they can live drug-free.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
The first Game Club night will be Thursday, Oct 24 from after school until 5 PM. Meet in the Commons for a healthy snack and then we will go to the Multi Purpose Room. See you then!
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Looking ahead to next week, Tuesday, October 22nd is an Early Release day. It is a PLC afternoon for staff.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools