A reminder that pick up is tomorrow!
Pick up for coffee and Kringle fundraiser items will be this Wednesday, March 12th in the Multipurpose Room from 2pm until 5:30pm at the side door facing the fire lane. You must wait for the buses to leave before picking up. We have no cold storage, so if you are unable to pick up your order, please arrange for someone to do it for you.

Enjoy an afternoon with your family and friends at Symons Recreation Complex for FREE!!! March 16 from 1:30-3:55 p.m. the PTSO will be holding their Swim for Free Family Day. All you have to do is come to Symons and let them know at the counter that you are for the Ithaca PTSO Swim Day. We hope to see you there!

Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
Announcements: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Today is a Day 1
Lunch for today - Choice 1: Grilled Cheese; Choice 2: Ham & Cheese Sandwich; Tomato Soup, Vegetable, Fruit, Salad Bar, Milk
Attention Middle School:
If you are interested in Track please sign up on the sheet hanging on the window of the school office.
From the Ithaca/Weston Wrestling Club:
Congratulations to the Ithaca/Weston Wrestling Club March Calendar raffle winner for today March 11th is Jodi Imhoff. Thank you to all for your support.
Juniors: The ACT is today, March 11th. Please go to 1st hour for attendance and wait for an announcement to report to the multipurpose room. You may bring your own calculator for testing. If you are planning to leave after the ACT lunch, please get your permission slip to Ms. Bevan today.
Middle School Student Council:
Tuesday Mar 11th, there will be a meeting in room 104 during Attack. Bring your folders. We will be discussing spring fundraisers, Easter/spring cards for nursing homes and May Day baskets for Nursing homes and teachers.
From PTSO:
Our next PTSO meeting will be March 11 at 3:30 pm in Room 103. We hope to see you there!
From Coach Clary:
Are you interested in playing High School Baseball? A meeting will be held in Mr. Kelly’s room immediately after school on Wednesday, March 12.
From Mr. Klang:
Please come out to support the Ithaca Junior Class when they host a Culver’s Share Night on Wednesday, March 12th from 4-8 PM at the Richland Center Culver’s.
From Ithaca Music Boosters:
Pick up for coffee and Kringle fundraiser items will be this Wednesday, March 12th in the Multipurpose Room from 2pm until 5:30pm at the side door facing the fire lane. You must wait for the buses to leave before picking up. We have no cold storage, so if you are unable to pick up your order, please arrange for someone to do it for you.
Junior Bowlers pizza Buffet will be on Thursday, March 13th at the Phoenix Center from 4:30-7:30. Proceeds to benefit Bowlers scholarship funds.
From Ms. Ernzen:
There will be a Book Club meeting on Friday, March 14th during ATTACK in Ms. Ernzen’s room.
From PTSO:
Enjoy a night with your family and friends, plus have a chance to win some cool prizes!!! Our annual PTSO Bingo Night will be Friday, March 14 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the school commons. There will be tons of cool prizes, door prizes, spirit items and Rural Route 1 for sale. See the fliers or the PTSO facebook page for more information. We hope to see you there! Concessions of walking tacos, etc. will be available for sale supporting the Freshmen Class.
Ithaca Lions requesting volunteers:
The Ithaca Lions will again be helping a community member-Kreg Perkins. Kreg and his children, Gage and Keyara, are Ithaca graduates. Kreg underwent a kidney transplant in November from an unknown living donor after several months of dialysis following kidney failure. Please help the Lions help Kreg and sign up to help serve at the pancake breakfast on Sun, March 16. Sign up https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RldkXFrLTFgmg44ku-EWzgxhEdqUcmy7Zmk45nCqXtE/edit?usp=sharing (click link to add your name or contact Kathleen Schoen)
From PTSO:
PTSO is looking for donations of baked goods for our PT Conference meal on March 19. If you are willing and able to help out by donating a pan of baked goods please reach out to Melissa Sprecher at spremel@ithaca.k12.wi.us.
Ithaca Baseball apparel store is running until March 20th. https://ithacabaseball25.itemorder.com/
Attention 4K - 8th grade students and families:
Softball and Baseball Registration is Open—Register by March 28 Registration is open for the Ithaca Youth Baseball and Softball program (4K through 8th grade). We are excited to roll out another season. Learn more and register online at https://bit.ly/iybs25. Have questions? Email LLPulvermacher@gmail.com or call/text 608-444-7291. Save the Date! Skills Clinic | April 19 - The Youth Baseball and Softball Committee is excited to partner with Team Heat to host a skills clinic on April 19. This event is free to all IYBS players in grades 2nd - 8th. Save the date and watch for more information coming soon! Apparel Store Open Until March 30 Get your youth softball and baseball gear and show your Ithaca pride. Place your order here: https://ithacahsbbandsb25.itemorder.com/
From Mr. Herbst:
We will continue to announce birthdays at the beginning of the school day; however, they will no longer be listed on the announcements that are sent to the general public.
From Mr. Herbst:
Parents/guardians are informed of field trips via permission slips. Unlike an athletic event or music concert, field trips are not open invitations for the general public to attend. Therefore, as a safety precaution, field trips will no longer be listed on the calendar on the District's website.

Did you know it was MARIO day today? Mrs. Brewer's second grade class did! Here they are enjoying "The Super Mario Bros. Movie". * Picture credit: Aaron Feryance.

Enjoy a night with your family and friends, plus have a chance to win some cool prizes!!! Our annual PTSO Bingo Night will be Friday, March 14 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the school commons. There will be tons of cool prizes, door prizes, spirit items and Rural Route 1 for sale. See the fliers or the PTSO Facebook page for more information. We hope to see you there! Concessions of walking tacos, etc. will be available for sale supporting the Freshmen Class.

PTSO is looking for donations of baked goods for our PT Conference meal on March 19. If you are willing and able to help out by donating a pan of baked goods please reach out to Melissa Sprecher at spremel@ithaca.k12.wi.us.

Mrs. Boland's Chess Tournament for 2025 was a success. Eight students signed up and played chess during their free time, lunch, Attack time to complete the tournaments. A 6th grade student took home the trophy. Congratulations!

The Ithaca Lions Club is hosting a pancake breakfast to benefit Kreg Perkins and his family. Kreg underwent a kidney transplant in November from an unknown living donor after several months of dialysis following kidney failure. Join us for our area's best pancakes. If you would like to donate for the silent auction or bake sale or volunteer to help, contact Juli Thompson 507/458-5327, Marge Brock 608/585-3449 or an Ithaca Lions Club member. This link may be used to sign up, as well. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RldkXFrLTFgmg44ku-EWzgxhEdqUcmy7Zmk45nCqXtE/edit?usp=sharing

Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
Announcements: Monday, March 10, 2025
Today is a Day 2
Lunch for today - Choice 1: Hamburger/Cheeseburger; Choice 2: Ham & Cheese Sandwich;
Vegetable, Fruit, Salad Bar, Milk
From the Ithaca/Weston Wrestling Club:
Congratulations to the Ithaca/Weston Wrestling Club March Calendar raffle winner from the weekend and for today: March 8th Jared Ritter, March 9th Sheila Clift, March 10th Brendan Wunnicke. Thank you to all for your support.
From Mrs. Behrens and Mr. McCoy:
Congratulations to the band and choir students who participated in the solo/ensemble contest held at Richland Center High School this past Saturday. All of the students received firsts or starred-firsts which qualifies them to go to the State solo/ensemble contest at UW Platteville in April. The students receiving firsts were Ally Plonka - 2 firsts, Abby Plonka - 2 firsts, Trista Pluemer - 2 firsts, and Maggie Gschwind - 1 first. The students receiving starred-firsts were August Ringelstetter (solo), Ben Huebsch (solo) and Ben Huebsch and Maggie Gschwind (duet).
From Mr. Klang:
There will be a Junior Class Meeting in Mr. Fetterly’s room during ATTACK Today, March 10th.
The ACT is tomorrow, March 11th. Please go to 1st hour for attendance and wait for an announcement to report to the multipurpose room. You may bring your own calculator for testing. If you are planning to leave after the ACT lunch, please get your permission slip to Ms. Bevan today.
Middle School Student Council:
Tuesday Mar 11th, there will be a meeting in room 104 during Attack
Bring your folders. We will be discussing spring fundraisers, Easter/spring cards for nursing homes and May Day baskets for Nursing homes and teachers.
From PTSO:
Our next PTSO meeting will be March 11 at 3:30 pm in Room 103. We hope to see you there!
Junior Bowlers pizza Buffet will be on Thursday, March 13th at the Phoenix Center from 4:30-7:30. Proceeds to benefit Bowlers scholarship funds.
From Coach Clary:
Are you interested in playing High School Baseball? A meeting will be held in Mr. Kelly’s room immediately after school on Wednesday, March 12.
From Mr. Klang:
Please come out to support the Ithaca Junior Class when they host a Culver’s Share Night on Wednesday, March 12th from 4-8 PM at the Richland Center Culver’s.
From PTSO:
Enjoy a night with your family and friends, plus have a chance to win some cool prizes!!! Our annual PTSO Bingo Night will be Friday, Mar 14 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Commons. There will be tons of cool prizes, door prizes, spirit items and Rural Route 1 for sale, and concessions of walking tacos, etc. will be for sale supporting the Freshmen Class. See the fliers or the PTSO Facebook page for more information. Hope to see you there!
Ithaca Lions requesting volunteers:
The Ithaca Lions will again be helping a community member - Kreg Perkins. Kreg and his children, Gage and Keyara, are Ithaca graduates. Kreg underwent a kidney transplant in November from an unknown living donor after several months of dialysis following kidney failure. Please help the Lions help Kreg and sign up to help serve at the pancake breakfast on Sun, Mar 16. Sign up https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RldkXFrLTFgmg44ku-EWzgxhEdqUcmy7Zmk45nCqXtE/edit?usp=sharing Click link to add your name or contact Kathleen Schoen.
From PTSO:
PTSO is looking for donations of baked goods for our PT Conference meal on Mar 19. If you are willing and able to help out by donating a pan of baked goods please reach out to Melissa Sprecher at spremel@ithaca.k12.wi.us.
Ithaca Baseball apparel store is running until March 20th. https://ithacabaseball25.itemorder.com/
Attention 4K - 8th grade students and families: Play Ball! Registration is open for the Ithaca Youth Baseball and Softball program. We are excited to roll out another season. Learn more and register online at https://bit.ly/iybs25. Have questions? Email LLPulvermacher@gmail.com or call/text 608-444-7291.
Word of the Day:
Imperturbable ( im-per-TER-buh-bul): someone or something marked by extreme calm; such a person or thing is very hard to disturb or upset Nothing disrupted the contestant's imperturbable focus.
On This Day in History:
March 10, 1876, the first discernible speech was transmitted over a telephone when inventor Alexander Graham Bell summoned his assistant in another room by saying, “Mr. Watson, come here; I want you.” Bell had received a comprehensive telephone patent just three days before.
From Mr. Herbst:
We will continue to announce birthdays at the beginning of the school day; however, they will no longer be listed on the announcements that are sent to the public.
From Mr. Herbst:
Parents/guardians are informed of field trips via permission slips. Unlike an athletic event or music concert, field trips are not open invitations for the general public to attend. Therefore, as a safety precaution, field trips will no longer be listed on the calendar on the District's website.

Recently, Ithaca Middle School and High School students had the opportunity to participate in a series of in-house field trips. During these visits, students were introduced to two businesses: Jewell Associates Engineers and FTI (Faith Technology Incorporated). Representatives from both companies shared valuable insights about their businesses, including the variety of career pathways available within each organization. They also discussed how certain school subjects played a crucial role in helping them discover and pursue careers they enjoy.

Play Ball! Registration is Open!
Registration is open for the Ithaca Youth Baseball and Softball program for the 2025 season. Learn more and register online at https://bit.ly/iybs25.
For more information, see the Ithaca Youth Baseball and Softball Facebook page.

Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
Announcements: Thursday, March 6, 2025
Today is a Day 2
Lunch for today - Choice 1: Bratwurst; Choice 2: Turkey and Cheese Sandwich; Vegetable, Fruit, Salad Bar, Milk
From the office:
Two rings were turned in at separate times on Tuesday. They can be identified and claimed in the school office. A smart watch was found in the parking lot Wednesday morning - it can be identified and claimed in the office. Two handheld spotlights were turned into the office yesterday.
From the Ithaca/Weston Wrestling Club:
Congratulations to the Ithaca/Weston Wrestling Club March Calendar raffle winner for March 6th: Justin Manning. Thank you to all for your support.
From Mrs. Kershner:
RISE mentors you will meet this Thursday, March 6. Please pick up your mentee and gather in the library at your designated time.
From Mr. Klang:
There will be a Junior Class Meeting in Mr. Fetterly’s room during ATTACK Today, March 6th.
From Mrs. Thompson:
There will be a Freshmen Class meeting in the LMC during lunch tomorrow, March 7th. Bring your lunch and come right away.
From Mrs. Burnley:
There will be a Mandatory FBLA meeting for the students attending the State Leadership Conference on FRIDAY, March 7 during Attack in Mrs. Burnley’s room. Please be on time. If you are unable to attend, contact Mrs. Burnley before the meeting.
From Mrs. Zorea:
Brewer Public Library is hiring an afterschool library assistant for 12 hours a week. The pay is up to $14.75 an hour and applications are being accepted until March 7. Please see Mrs. Zorea or Mrs. Kershner for more details.
From PTSO:
Popcorn Friday will be this Friday, March 7. Elementary students, your classroom teacher will take your order and money. Middle School and High School students you will be able to purchase yours during breakfast, at the end of your hallways. Cost is $0.50 per bag, limit 2 bags per person. Help support the 5th grade class!
From Ithaca/Weston Wrestling Club:
Saturday March 8th is your opportunity to come cheer on our Ithaca/Weston elementary and middle school wrestlers in our annual youth tournament at Weston. There will be a great concessions spread and many exciting matches! Volunteers are needed to help make the whole day run as smoothly as possible. Please sign up to assist in the concessions.
From PTSO:
Our next PTSO meeting will be March 11 at 3:30 pm in Room 103. We hope to see you there!
Enjoy a night with your family and friends, plus have a chance to win some cool prizes!!! Our annual PTSO Bingo Night will be Friday, March 14 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the school commons. There will be tons of cool prizes, door prizes, spirit items and Rural Route 1 for sale, and concessions provided by the Spanish Club. See the fliers or the PTSO Facebook page for more information. We hope to see you there!
Ithaca Lions requesting volunteers:
The Ithaca Lions will again be helping a community member-Kreg Perkins. Kreg and his children, Gage and Keyara, are Ithaca graduates. Kreg underwent a kidney transplant in November from an unknown living donor after several months of dialysis following kidney failure. Please help the Lions help Kreg and sign up to help serve at the pancake breakfast on Sun, March 16. Sign up: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RldkXFrLTFgmg44ku-EWzgxhEdqUcmy7Zmk45nCqXtE/edit?usp=sharing Click link to add your name or contact Kathleen Schoen
From PTSO:
PTSO is looking for donations of baked goods for our PT Conference meal on March 19. If you are willing and able to help out by donating a pan of baked goods please reach out to Melissa Sprecher at spremel@ithaca.k12.wi.us.
Attention 4K - 8th grade students and families: Play Ball! Registration is open for the Ithaca Youth Baseball and Softball program. We are excited to roll out another season. Learn more and register online at https://bit.ly/iybs25. Have questions? Email LLPulvermacher@gmail.com or call/text 608-444-7291.
From Mr. Herbst:
We will continue to announce birthdays at the beginning of the school day; however, they will no longer be listed on the announcements that are sent to the general public.
From Mr. Herbst:
Parents/guardians are informed of field trips via permission slips. Unlike an athletic event or music concert, field trips are not open invitations for the general public to attend. Therefore, as a safety precaution, field trips will no longer be listed on the calendar on the District's website.

In February, elementary students at the Ithaca School District read and voted on their top choice for the Wisconsin Golden Archer book award. Hosted by the Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association (WEMTA), this book award is unique because only Wisconsin students, not adults, are allowed to vote on the winner. School Librarian, Mrs. Emily Zorea, participated in the national book committee for the 2024 Pura Belpre book award. "I was able to bring that experience back to Ithaca, and I teach my students to discuss books using similar techniques that adults use in national book award committees" she said. To select the best book, one Ithaca student in 2nd grade commented that he uses this criteria, "A great book should make you feel something, that feeling should teach you how to be a better person." The state Golden Archer Book Award winner will be announced by WEMTA in March or April.

Today is Wednesday March 5th 2025. This message is from the Ithaca School District. Due to the unfavorable weather in our area. The Ithaca School District will be dismissing at 1:20 PM. All after school activities are also cancelled.
Hoy es miércoles 5 de marzo de 2025. Este mensaje es del Distrito Escolar de Ithaca. Debido al clima desfavorable en nuestra área, el Distrito Escolar de Ithaca despedirá a las 1:20 p. m. También se cancelan todas las actividades extraescolares.

Popcorn Friday will be this Friday, March 7th. Elementary students, your classroom teacher will take your order and money. Middle School and High School students you will be able to purchase yours during breakfast, at the end of your hallways. Cost is $0.50 per bag, limit 2 bags per person. Help support the 5th grade class!

Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
Announcements: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Today is a Day 1
Lunch for today:
Choice 1: Mini Corn Dogs
Choice 2: Turkey and Cheese Sandwich
Vegetable, Fruit, Salad Bar, Milk
From the office:
Two rings were turned in at separate times on Tuesday. They can be identified and claimed in the school office.
From the Ithaca/Weston Wrestling Club:
Congratulations to the Ithaca/Weston Wrestling Club March Calendar raffle winner for March 5th: Patty Swenink. Thank you to all for your support.
From FFA:
The Ithaca FFA is hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, March 5 from 9 am - 2 pm. You can call 608-585-2311 ext 310 or go online and make an appointment. Appointments are preferred but walk - ins are welcome. https://donateblood.versiti.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/11609629
From Mrs. Burnley:
There will be a Mandatory FBLA meeting for the students attending the State Leadership Conference on Wednesday, March 5 during Attack in Mrs. Burnley’s room. Please be on time. If you are unable to attend, contact Mrs. Burnley before the meeting.
From Mrs. Kershner:
FCA will gather Thursday, March 6 for an encouraging devotion and breakfast. All are welcome.
RISE mentors you will meet this Thursday, March 6. Please pick up your mentee and gather in the library at your designated time.
From Mrs. Zorea:
Brewer Public Library is hiring an afterschool library assistant for 12 hours a week. The pay is up to $14.75 an hour and applications are being accepted until March 7. Please see Mrs. Zorea or Mrs. Kershner for more details.
From PTSO:
Popcorn Friday will be this Friday, March 7. Elementary students, your classroom teacher will take your order and money. Middle School and High School students you will be able to purchase yours during breakfast, at the end of your hallways. Cost is $0.50 per bag, limit 2 bags per person. Help support the 5th grade class!
From Ithaca/Weston Wrestling Club:
Saturday March 8th is your opportunity to come cheer on our Ithaca/Weston elementary and middle school wrestlers in our annual youth tournament at Weston. There will be a great concessions spread and many exciting matches! Volunteers are needed to help make the whole day run as smoothly as possible. Use this link to sign up to assist in the concessions.
From PTSO:
Our next PTSO meeting will be March 11 at 3:30 pm in Room 103. We hope to see you there!
Enjoy a night with your family and friends, plus have a chance to win some cool prizes!!! Our annual PTSO Bingo Night will be Friday, March 14 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the school commons. There will be tons of cool prizes, door prizes, spirit items and Rural Route 1 for sale, and concessions provided by the Spanish Club. See the fliers or the PTSO facebook page for more information. We hope to see you there!
Ithaca Lions requesting volunteers:
The Ithaca Lions will again be helping a community member-Kreg Perkins. Kreg and his children, Gage and Keyara, are Ithaca graduates. Kreg underwent a kidney transplant in November from an unknown living donor after several months of dialysis following kidney failure. Please help the Lions help Kreg and sign up to help serve at the pancake breakfast on Sun, March 16. Ithaca Lions Breakfast Sign up https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RldkXFrLTFgmg44ku-EWzgxhEdqUcmy7Zmk45nCqXtE/edit?usp=sharing Click link to add your name or contact Kathleen Schoen
From PTSO:
PTSO is looking for donations of baked good for our PT Conference meal on March 19. If you are willing and able to help out by donating a pan of baked goods please reach out to Melissa Sprecher at spremel@ithaca.k12.wi.us.
Attention 4K - 8th grade students and families: Play Ball! Registration is open for the Ithaca Youth Baseball and Softball program. We are excited to roll out another season. Learn more and register online at https://bit.ly/iybs25. Have questions? Email LLPulvermacher@gmail.com or call/text 608-444-7291.
Word of the Day:
Askew: not straight or at an angle The picture on the cabin wall was slightly askew.
On This Day in History:
The night of March 5, 1770 British troops being harassed by a mob, opened fire, killing five American colonists in what became known as the Boston Massacre, an event that galvanized anti-British feelings in the lead-up to the American Revolution.
From Mr. Herbst:
We will continue to announce birthdays at the beginning of the school day; however, they will no longer be listed on the announcements that are sent to the general public.
From Mr. Herbst:
Parents/guardians are informed of field trips via permission slips. Unlike an athletic event or music concert, field trips are not open invitations for the general public to attend. Therefore, as a safety precaution, field trips will no longer be listed on the calendar on the District's website.

National School Social Work Week is March 2-8. The theme for 2025 is "Unite to Ignite: Celebrating our Impact." Mrs. Pluemer, Ithaca's School Social Worker, invites you to help recognize this week by reading this proclamation from Governor Evers, which recognizes the role and impact of School Social Workers on Wisconsin students and families.

Mrs. Zorea's 6th grade Reading class at Ithaca recently finished a Body Biography project after reading the novel, A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. The novel is based on the life experiences of Salva Dut, who overcame many challenges in South Sudan during the civil war in the 1980's. Later in his life, Salva started a foundation that currently develops wells in Sudan to bring clean water to people who otherwise have no access to safe water. Body Biographies offer students a unique way to present a book report visually by researching multiple aspects of the characters and story.

Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
Announcements: Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Today is a Day 2
Lunch for today - Choice 1: Soft shell taco; Choice 2: Turkey and cheese sandwich; Vegetable, Fruit, Salad Bar, Milk
Wisconsin Public School Observance: Casimir Pulaski Day - Brigadier General Pulaski was a Polish nobleman, soldier, and military commander who came to North America, on the recommendation of Benjamin Franklin, to aid in the American Revolutionary War; He was credited with saving the life of General George Washington and has been called "The Father of American Cavalry"
From the Ithaca/Weston Wrestling Club:
Congratulations to the Ithaca/Weston Wrestling Club March Calendar raffle winner for March 4th: Colleen Neefe. Thank you to all for your support.
From FFA:
The Ithaca FFA is hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, March 5 from 9 am - 2 pm. You can call 608-585-2311 ext 310 or go online and make an appointment. Appointments are preferred but walk - ins are welcome. https://donateblood.versiti.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/11609629
From Mrs. Burnley:
There will be a Mandatory FBLA meeting for the students attending the State Leadership Conference on Wednesday, March 5 during Attack in Mrs. Burnley’s room. Please be on time. If you are unable to attend, contact Mrs. Burnley before the meeting.
From Mrs. Kershner:
FCA will gather Thursday, March 6 for an encouraging devotion and breakfast. All are welcome.
RISE mentors you will meet this Thursday, March 6. Please pick up your mentee and gather in the library at your designated time.
From Mrs. Zorea:
Brewer Public Library is hiring an afterschool library assistant for 12 hours a week. The pay is up to $14.75 an hour and applications are being accepted until March 7. Please see Mrs. Zorea or Mrs. Kershner for more details.
From PTSO:
Popcorn Friday will be this Friday, March 7. Elementary students, your classroom teacher will take your order and money. Middle School and High School students you will be able to purchase yours during breakfast, at the end of your hallways. Cost is $0.50 per bag, limit 2 bags per person. Help support the 5th grade class!
From Ithaca/Weston Wrestling Club:
Saturday March 8th is your opportunity to come cheer on our Ithaca/Weston elementary and middle school wrestlers in our annual youth tournament at Weston. There will be a great concessions spread and many exciting matches! Volunteers are needed to help make the whole day run as smoothly as possible. Use this link to sign up to assist in the concessions.
From PTSO:
Our next PTSO meeting will be March 11 at 3:30 pm in Room 103. We hope to see you there!
From PTSO:
Enjoy a night with your family and friends, plus have a chance to win some cool prizes!!! Our annual PTSO Bingo Night will be Friday, March 14 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the school commons. There will be tons of cool prizes, door prizes, spirit items and Rural Route 1 for sale, and concessions provided by the Spanish Club. See the fliers or the PTSO Facebook page for more information. We hope to see you there!
Ithaca Lions requesting volunteers:
The Ithaca Lions will again be helping a community member - Kreg Perkins. Kreg and his children, Gage and Keyara, are Ithaca graduates. Kreg underwent a kidney transplant in November from an unknown living donor after several months of dialysis following kidney failure. Please help the Lions help Kreg and sign up to help serve at the pancake breakfast on Sun, March 16. Sign Up https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RldkXFrLTFgmg44ku-EWzgxhEdqUcmy7Zmk45nCqXtE/edit?usp=sharing (click link to add your name or contact Kathleen Schoen)
From PTSO:
PTSO is looking for donations of baked good for our PT Conference meal on March 19. If you are willing and able to help out by donating a pan of baked goods please reach out to Melissa Sprecher at spremel@ithaca.k12.wi.us.
From Mr. Herbst:
We will continue to announce birthdays at the beginning of the school day; however, they will no longer be listed on the announcements that are sent to the general public.
From Mr. Herbst:
Parents/guardians are informed of field trips via permission slips. Unlike an athletic event or music concert, field trips are not open invitations for the general public to attend. Therefore, as a safety precaution, field trips will no longer be listed on the calendar on the District's website.

Please join us in recognizing and congratulating our
⭐ Class of 2025 Valedictorian and Co-Salutatorians! ⭐
🎓 Valedictorian- Maggie Gschwind, Daughter of Sarah Wambach. Maggie will be attending UW-Whitewater this fall and majoring in Pre- Law & Legal Studies.
🎓 Co-Salutatorian- Kailey Newkirk, Daughter of Paul and Andrea Newkirk.
Kailey will be attending UW-Madison this fall and majoring in Business.
🎓 Co-Salutatorian- Trista Pluemer, Daughter of Jeramie and Shelly Pluemer. Trista will be attending UW-Whitewater this fall and majoring in Marketing.
We wish all three of you the very best and extend our congratulations on this remarkable accomplishment.