It's normal to feel frustrated when something is hard, but how we react to that frustration helps determine our success. This is why we challenge students - engaging in something that is hard creates growth and habits of perseverance. "...they should value the time of struggle and know that they are on their way to being better, wiser and equipped with a stronger brain. Getting answers right is OK, being stuck and finding them hard is fantastic."
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Today is November 6, 2019. Ithaca School District has a two hour delay. No AM 4K
about 5 years ago, Julie R. Prouty
Today is November 6, 2019. Ithaca School District has a two hour delay
about 5 years ago, Julie R. Prouty
To prepare for the Variety Show, all participants of the Variety Show will rehearse Thursday, November 14th in the old gym. Kindergarten and 1st grade students only from 5-5:25 pm, 6-7-8th grade only from 5:30-6, and HS shortly after 6 pm. Come dressed in the outfit you plan to wear for the shows.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
There will be a High school choir rehearsal in the old gym on Tuesday, November 12th starting around 6 pm. Pizza will be provided! Plan to be there until 8 pm.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
There will be a high school girls’ basketball parent/player/coach meeting on Monday, November 11th at 6:00 pm right after practice.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
The Kiwanis will be distributing new and slightly used coats for kids on Thursday, November 7th from 5:30 -7:30 at the Nazarene Outreach Center in Richland Center.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Ithaca Public Schools is seeking to hire a highly qualified, collaborative, high school math/science instructor. Read more and apply on the WECAN website at
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Attn MS and HS students: Anyone interested in entering the Teaching Today WI Dream Career Essay Contest can get a copy of the guidelines from Mrs. Plonka. These essays are due in Word or pdf format to Mrs. Plonka by November 30. Cash prizes are awarded to the top 12 entries in the state and are published in the Teaching Today WI newspaper.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Any students in grades 3-12 who are interested in entering the Appelly Poetry contest should get an entry form and rules form from Mrs. Plonka. Your poems must be turned in to Mrs. Plonka on or by November 6.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
A reminder that Richland County nurses will be here on Nov. 7th from 9:00-12:00 in the multi-purpose room to give flu vaccines to students that returned permission slips. If you want your child to be vaccinated, please fill out the permission slip and return to the school. High School students should stop in the office for permission slips.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Today Middle and High School students attended the Save a Life Tour at our school. They watched a moving interview of a teenager who was driving a car with her friend and brother when another driver hit their car. Her brother was killed by that distracted driver. Our speaker discussed the opportunity to be given a second chance - but that opportunity doesn't always happen for everyone. Choices behind the wheel don't always just impact ourselves. The video was emotional and very powerful. Our HS/MS students and staff were given the chance to drive simulators while texting and "impaired." Be prepared for your students to comment on some of your driving habits, and encourage conversations about safe driving behaviors. Our students and children are our most valuable possessions.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
DB crashes
Mr. Favreau
Stone driving
Delany texting and driving
A reminder that there will be an informative meeting and registration for kindergarten through 6th grade youth basketball players on Monday, November 4th at 6:30pm in the commons area. Please attend if your child plans to play youth basketball this winter.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
NED yoyo sales will take place daily in the MPR from 7:30-7:50. Students eating breakfast should come up after they finish eating. If yours breaks, see Ms. Schoen.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Need a Christmas idea? The online spiritwear store is now open! Orders may be placed online until midnight, November 15. Paper order forms with checks are due in the school office by 3 P.M. November 15. No late orders will be processed. Free delivery to school will be mid-December. Just in time for Christmas! A few new items added this year. Check it out!
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Elementary classes are observing Red Ribbon week by "Planting the Promise" for a healthy, drug-free life. K-5 are making promises to their future selves of how they are going to reach their dreams and goals, with a display by the Elementary doors. Grades 2-5 planted red tulip bulbs outside the Elementary playground, to commemorate the beauty of a healthy, drug-free life.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Red Ribbon Week planing a promise
Red Ribbon Week is observed from October 23rd-October 31st. It is a celebration of healthy, drug-free choices and lifestyles. Prescription and over-the- counter drugs are the most commonly misused substances by Americans age 14 and older, after marijuana and alcohol. (National Institute on Drug Abuse)
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Open to the Public: The Save A Life Tour is coming to Ithaca this Friday! The nation’s leading impaired and distracted driving prevention program is a comprehensive high impact safe driving awareness program that informs, educates, and demonstrates the potentially deadly consequences resulting from poor choices and decisions made by the operator of a motor vehicle. The 45 minute presentation will begin at 8:00am.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Save A Life Tour
Our staff advocates for students every day, not just during school hours. Mrs. Prouty testified during an executive session and public session on the importance of our dedicated educators for special needs students.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
We know our kids well. But could we identify signs or symptoms of drug or alcohol abuse? During Red Ribbon Week and everyday all year, we encourage you to review some early warning signs and ways to look for them.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools