Be sure to watch our FACEBOOK feed today for a LIVESTREAM of the Ithaca Graduation Ceremony. Commencement starts at 1:00 PM.
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
On the last day of school, the Ithaca seventh graders gifted Mr. Kelly with this most righteous "throw".
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
Our Ithaca High School Class of 2024 takes the stage tomorrow as they, their families, our staff and community celebrate their commencement. 🎓 🎉 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓"Chase your dreams, but always know the road that'll lead you home again" ~ Tim McGraw Once a Bulldog, always a Bulldog. We'll always welcome you home back to Ithaca. Good luck as you venture out to your next adventure! 💜🤍#LearnersTodayLeadersTomorrow #IthacaBulldogs #ClassOf2024 🤍💜
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
We are LAST DAY VIBING at Ithaca! Less than 30 minutes left in our school year!
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
last day
This morning the seniors practiced walking through graduation in preparation for this Sunday. Also they gifted Mr. Herbst, a Chicago Bears fan, with a Green Bay Packers jersey signed by the class. No word as to WHEN he plans to wear it!
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
grad practice
grad practice
grad practice
grad practice
grad practice
grad practice
grad practice
grad practice
grad practice
grad practice
We are LAST DAY VIBING at Ithaca! Less than 2 hours left in our school year!
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
Ithaca Track is STATE BOUND! Good luck team!!
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
track meet
We are counting down to SUMMERTIME!
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
During Children's Mental Health Awareness Week (May 5-11), Middle and High School Sources of Strength students led Healthy Activities with Positive Friends and Mentors, to encourage and strengthen Mental Health. All while having loads of fun!!
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
The Ithaca School Board, as they do every year, provided the senior class of Ithaca with a delicious and hearty breakfast to prepare them for graduation practice this morning.
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
We are OUT! Early that is - TODAY HS and MS release at 12:35 PM.
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
out early
Maggie Kershner may not be known as a serious TALKS TOO MUCH violator, BUT it appears she MAY be known to be "CHATTY" during math classes. As a "peace offering" (or maybe a way to "sweeten" up Mr. Andresen before finals) Maggie presented Mr. Andresen with the APOLOGY CAKE this morning. I LOVE end of the year antics! (And I love the use of a square root to represent a number)
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
All Ithaca High School Class of 2024 members and families! A message from Mrs Dietelhoff and Mrs Stellner regarding Friday's schedule: 🎓Breakfast will be served at 7:30 sharp Friday morning by the school board members. Please be here and eating shortly after, so we can begin practice shortly after that. We will also have a brief meeting during that time as well. 🎓You will need your caps and gowns because we will be doing a walk through with them for the elementary. They look up to you all and enjoy watching you be successful! 🎓Graduation practice will begin immediately after the walk though and is MANDATORY! If you are not here for rehearsal, you may not participate in commencement on Sunday. If you have any questions regarding Friday, please reach out to your advisors.
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
Ithaca Public Schools
Its the LAST day of the school tomorrow - FRIDAY!! The Ithaca district will be releasing buses and classes at 12:25 tomorrow. Let the summer begin! liberacion tempana mañana a las 12:35 p.m. - viernes!
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
Liberacion Temprana
early release
Exciting news from the Ithaca School District. The Bulldogs are now on Instagram! What is Instagram? Instagram is a free social media app and social networking service that allows Ithaca to share videos and photos that can be edited with filters, be organized by hashtags, and be associated with a location via geographical tagging. You can find Ithaca on Instagram by searching @IthacaPublicSchool. If you have questions concerning ANY Ithaca Social Media Platform, please reach out and speak with Juli Thompson or Adam Hess and they can be found at
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
Mrs. Pulvermacher's 3rd graders spent the better part of May learning about the Roman Empire in CKLA. Over the last 3 days they have worked hard in teams of 3-4 to create an aqueduct of their own. They were given the directions that their aqueduct needs to transport water from one location and end in 3 different locations (cups). The design was to not have any leaks and they could only use the materials provided in their bins. Those materials were: 150 popsicle sticks, construction paper, tinfoil, packing tape, straws and their 4 cups. They could use scissors and glue as well.
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow Announcements: Thursday, May 30, 2024 Today is a Day 2 Lunch for today - First Choice: Orange Chicken w/rice, Second Choice: Cheddarwurst w/bun, WG roll, Green Beans, Applesauce, Salad Bar, Milk From the School Board for the Seniors: There will be a breakfast provided for the Seniors on Friday morning at 7:30am, in the Gym. Attention all Middle School and High School students: If you did not receive an end of year check out sheet yesterday or if you are a high school student who does not have an English class this semester, please stop in the office to pick up your form. Every student is required to submit a completed check-out form, please be sure your name is on your form so that your family is not charged any fees that don’t belong to you. From Mr. Herbst: Audience: All high school students The semester exam schedules for Wed, May 29 and Thur, May 30, 2024 hand expectations during semester dates have been emailed to all. Make-up exams for excused absences are scheduled for Fri, May 31, 2024 at a time TBA with your teacher(s). From the Business Office: Audience: All Seniors Please remember that all dues, fines, and food service account balances must be paid in full prior to receiving your diploma. If you have any questions, please contact the school office. Employees who have a lunch account balance, please stop in and make payment to clear the balance before the end of the day on Friday. From Coach Lorenz: Athletes please wash and turn in your uniforms. These athletes still need to turn theirs in by today, Thur, May 30. Conner Montes, Braysen Garcia-Boland, Randy Pichardo Flores, Kerrick Thompson, Holly King (shorts), James Timm, Jasmine Meyer, Landon Thompson, Hewsten Garcia-Boland. You can give them to Coach Lorenz or Coach Thompson. From Mrs. Burnley: FBLA members, you were emailed a 7-question voting ballot. Please complete it by the end of the school day today, Thur, May 30. Senior FBLA members, it is extremely important that you vote too! Without your votes, we won’t have a quorum and we’ll have to revote. Thank you! From Ms. Durkin: All middle and high school art students, please pick up your artwork in the art room this week. Anything left in the art room on Fri, May 31 will be recycled. From Ms. Okus: High School Choir Students: if you participated in Solo and Ensemble this year, please stop by the choir room before Fri, May 31, 2024 at the end of the day to pick up your medals from the event. From Mrs. Stellner: While you are cleaning out your regular locker, please make sure you also clean out your PE locker too! I had several bags of clothes/shoes/towels last year that I had to clean out. Thanks! BIRTHDAYS: Elementary - none Middle School - none High School - Jorge Dermas, Channing Wheaton Faculty & Staff - none
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
The ENTIRE Ithaca staff and student body gathered in the multi-purpose room today to send GREAT thoughts, wishes, and vibes to an Ithaca ICON - Annette Louis announced her retirement as the Food Service Director earlier this year. We ALL wanted to send Annette off the RIGHT way. And as she said "I won't stay gone, I will be back from time to time to get my Ithaca fix!" Congratulations on a GREAT career and everything you have done for the students, staff, and faculty at Ithaca! You should be proud, because we are proud of YOU!
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
annette louis
annette louis
annette louis
annette louis
annette louis
annette louis
annette louis
annette louis
The final game club of the year was held this week. Thanks to Mr Feryance for supplying a popcorn and juice barrel party for the crew. There was a whole lot of gaming (and popcorn) fun in the LMC. We look forward to seeing some old and some new faces at game club next school year!
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
Game Club
Game Club
Game Club
Game Club
Game Club
Game Club
Game Club
Game Club
Game Club
Game Club
Ms. Sprecher's forestry class hosted the elementary students at the Ithaca School forest for the last time of the 2023-24 school year. Students PreK through fifth grade enjoyed a hike around the forest identifying animal tracks and plants of the forest. They were given a booklet to help them identify which animal the track belonged to. It also had pictures and information about both helpful and harmful plants they can find in the forest. Before they left to return to school, the students played a few games and did the team work exercise of centipede skis.
about 2 months ago, Ithaca Schools
AB at the School Forest Spring 2024
K-2 at the School Forest Spring 2024
Exploring at the School Forest Spring 2024
PG and ED at the School Forest Spring 2024
2n Grade at the School Forest Spring 2024
2nd Grade at the School Forest Spring 2024