The Ithaca FFA Fall Blood Drive is Wednesday Nov 21st. Please sign up with Mr. Favreau or in the Office. All students 16 years old and older are eligible to donate. And don't forget...Give a Pint and Get a Pint of Culver's Custard!

Attention please: The yearbook staff is finalizing the senior pages. We need your Sr. pictures, baby pictures and Then and Now pictures if you have not submitted them already.

Hey everyone, join us tomorrow night! The Middle School Student Council will be hosting a Middle School Dance on tomorrow, November 16 from 6-9 p.m. in the Old Gym. General admission is $3.00 or $2.00 if you bring a donation for the food pantry. We hope to see you there!

The November PTSO meeting will be next Wednesday, November 21 at 3:30 in the LMC. Free babysitting will be provided. We hope to see you there!

The UNAPPROVED minutes from the November 12th school board meeting.

There will be a purple-white scrimmage for our JV and Varsity boys basketball teams tonight from 6-8 PM. Those in attendance will receive a T-Shirt (while supplies and sizes last). All are invited to cheer on the Bulldogs during this free event!

Attention NHS members: Please do not forget to bring your goodies for the NHS induction ceremony tomorrow night. You can bring them to Mrs. Wontor's room before school if you would like. Remember, attendance at the ceremony is mandatory for all NHS members. See Mrs. Wontor if you have any questions. Thank you!

The Young Entrepreneurs will be selling micro greens to teachers and community members after school on Tuesdays, starting Nov. 13. Free samples and order form sheets areavailable on that day.

Notice to seniors:
The yearbook staff is finalizing the senior pages. We need your Sr. pictures, baby pictures and Then and Now pictures if you have not submitted them already.

Attention NHS members: Please do not forget to bring your goodies for the NHS induction ceremony tomorrow night. You can bring them to Mrs. Wontor's room before school if you would like. Remember, attendance at the ceremony is mandatory for all NHS members.

One week from today! The Ithaca FFA Fall Blood Drive is next Wednesday, Nov 21st. Please sign up with Mr. Favreau or in the Office. All students 16 years old and older are eligible to donate. And don't forget...Give a Pint and Get a Pint of Culver's Custard!

Support Ithaca Basketball with some custom apparel! Proceeds go towards the basketball program. Pick up an order form that can be found on Mrs. Clary’s, Mr. Klang’s, and Mr. Mezera’s door. You can also order online at www.idoshirts.com >>> Online Stores >>> Click on Ithaca Girls’ Basketball icon to shop. Order forms are due on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21ST. Online orders are due by Monday, November 26th.

There will be a purple-white scrimmage for our JV and Varsity boys basketball teams this Thursday night from 6-8 PM. Those in attendance will receive a T-Shirt (while supplies and sizes last). All are invited to cheer on the Bulldogs during this free event!

The yearbook staff is finalizing the senior pages. We need your Sr. pictures, baby pictures and Then and Now pictures if you have not submitted them already.

The wrestling team is looking for anyone interested in being a manager for this season. If anyone is interested contact Coach Kelly or Coach Clary.

Reminder! We have an early release today for PLC.
Students will be released at 1:10pm.

Our safety drill went very well today. We were thankful for the law enforcement and observers who were able to give advice on how to do things better and what went very well.
Thank you to all involved!

Just a reminder that next Wednesday, November 21, there will be a PTSO meeting in the LMC at 3:30 p.m. Free babysitting will be provided.

Fresh lettuce and micro greens are here! The young entrepreneurs will be selling micro greens to teachers and community members after school on Tuesday’s. Free samples and order form sheets will be available on that day.

Juniors. You need to sign up for concessions! There is only 1 person signed up for next Tuesdays Girls basketball game. If no one signs up, we will have to give this great fundraiser to another group. SIGN UP!