Come one, come all! It's time for the 2nd Annual PTSO Gingerbread House building contest! It will be held Saturday, December 1 starting at 5:30 in the Commons. Frosting, graham crackers, and milk cartons to support your creation will be provided - families/groups need to bring decorations - enough to share please - and a base to build your house on like a cookie sheet or a piece of cardboard wrapped in aluminum foil. Judging will be at 6:45 with prizes for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place creations. Hope to see you at this FREE event!

Attn Students in grades 3-12: There will be a Game Club night on Thursday, November 29 from after school until 5 PM. Meet in the commons after school for a healthy snack and then we will go to the Multi-purpose room. This is where you can be picked up at 5 PM. Elementary students please fill out the permission form and get it back to your teacher by Tuesday the 27th please.

Youth wrestling sign-up for all 4K-2nd grade boys and girls will be Thursday, January 10th at 7 p.m. in the multi-purpose room.

MS Girl's Basketball coaches needed!

Attn students in grades 3-12: There will be a Game Night on Thursday, November 29th, from after school until 5 PM. Meet in the Commons after school for a healthy snack and then we will go to the Multi-purpose room. This is where you can be picked up at 5 PM. Elementary students please fill out the permission form and get it back to your teacher by Tuesday, the 27th, please.

Yearbook Staff is thankful to all our students. This week is your last chance to get your yearbook for $37.00. Next week the price goes up to $47.00

The annual food drive put on by your Student council and the NHS is soon to be underway. This year we are making the food drive a school wide event. The top 3 classes throughout the elementary, middle, and high school who collect the most pounds of food will get a pizza party during lunch. That’s right, high school and middle school students, can you collect more than our elementary classrooms? Along with these changes, water will not be accepted as a donation. Thank you for your support and donations to the needy people in our community!

Things happening at Ithaca.

This group attended the Improv Event for G/T at CESA 3 this past week! They enjoyed it immensely!

The Ithaca FFA Fall Blood Drive is this Wednesday, Nov. 21st. Please sign up with Mr. Favreau or in the office. All students 16 years old and older are eligible to donate. And don't forget...Give a Pint and Get a Pint of Culver's Custard!

FBLA would like to thank all of you who purchased donuts on Friday. We sold out and made almost $200 for the March of Dimes. Again, thank you for your support!!!

Starting in 30 minutes! You still have time to join us. The Middle School Student Council will be hosting a Middle School Dance tonight from 6-9 p.m. in the Old Gym. General admission is $3.00 or $2.00 if you bring a donation for the food pantry. We hope to see you there!

Support Ithaca Wrestling and show your bulldog pride with Ithaca Wrestling performance apparel. Order forms are by the Mezzanine door All order forms are due Wednesday November 21st. Please feel free to share this post/tweet - THANKS!

@IthacaSchool - Did you know you can follow Ithaca School on Twitter? Here is our Twitter handle, please share this with your Ithaca and Ithaca alum friends - THANKS! @IthacaSchool

Band Students: Have you sold all of your calendar raffle tickets? If not, there are many students who need more to sell. Please turn them into Mrs. Moser if you are not going to sell them. Don't be the one to bring in unsold tickets at the end of the month.

Reminder! We have a Safe Reporting site!
You can call, text, or email...and you can
remain anonymous, if you choose. If you see something, say something!

Support Ithaca Basketball with some custom apparel! Proceeds go towards the basketball program. Pick up an order form that can be found on Mrs. Clary’s, Mr. Klang’s, and Mr. Mezera’s door. Order forms are due on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21ST.

“The Ithaca School District is happy to announce that our Four-Year-Old Kindergarten will be changing to half-day programming beginning next school year (2019-2020) to best serve our 4K students. Ithaca looks forward to working through these changes with our 4K families and appreciate your patience through the process. We are very excited to give our students this wonderful opportunity. More info will be provided during the 4-K Screening. Thank you for your support!”

The Ithaca FFA Fall Blood Drive is Wednesday Nov 21st. Please sign up with Mr. Favreau or in the office. All students 16 years old and older are eligible to donate. And don't forget...Give a Pint and Get a Pint of Culver's Custard!

The Middle School Student Council will be hosting a Middle School Dance tonight from 6-9 p.m. in the Old Gym. General admission is $3.00 or $2.00 if you bring a donation for the food pantry. We hope to see you there!