There will be a popcorn sale this Friday, November 22. Cost is 50 cents a bag, limit 2 bags per student please. Proceeds this week will go to the 3rd grade class. Middle and High School students: we will come around to the classrooms to sell at Attack time with teacher permission.
The Ithaca Middle School Quiz Bowl team competed at the CESA 3 competition yesterday at Southwest Tech. Congratulations to Aaron Bloczynski who placed second high individual in the 8th grade individual test. The 8th grade team of Aaron Bloczynski, Alivya Young, Danny Feryance, and Caleb Birkrem did well placing in the top half of the 14 schools represented at the contest. Congratulations also to the 7th grade team of Maggie Gschwind, Sammy Clary, Ilana Bloczynski, and Trista Pluemer for placing 4th among 14 teams at the competition. You represented Ithaca well - I'm proud of you ~ Mrs. Plonka
Recent Ithaca Football Booster's Calendar Raffle ticket winners are: Nov 15 Gary Mossholder CVA Wolf 50 cal Muzzleloader w/scope, Nov 16 Bruce Adams $50, Nov 17 Kent Marshall $50, November 18, Brannon Gasper Remington 870 12 ga Express. Thank you for supporting Ithaca Football!
There will be Game Club TOMORROW after school until 5 PM. All students in grades 3-12 are invited. Elementary remember to return your permission slips to come. Middle and High - meet in the Commons after school for a healthy snack and we will go to the Multi-Purpose room for games. Make sure your ride is here by 5 PM please.
Come and support the Student Council TONIGHT for a Culver's share night. Proceeds go towards leadership training and scholarships. We hope to see everyone there!
CESA 3 is conducting a Substitute Teacher Training course on Tuesday, December 10th from 9:00am until 3:00pm (check in begins at 8:30am). This course is a requirement for obtaining a substitute teaching certificate from the Wisconsin DPI. If you hold at least an associates degree in any area, you are qualified to take this course and obtain your substitute teaching certificate. Register for the course or look for more information at Another course is being offered on January 29th, 2020.
The need for substitutes is great, not only in our district, but those around us. Become a valuable resource in our schools to young minds!
There will be a PTSO meeting on TOMORROW, November 20 starting at 3:45 in the LMC. All are welcome and we hope to see you there!
The FFA Fall Blood Drive is TOMORROW from 9 am till 2 pm in the Community Gym. Sign up with Mr. Favreau, in the office, or on-line There are still openings for whole blood after 10am and for double red cell donations. This drive is also opened to the general public. And don't forget...."Give a pint , Get a Pint" of Culver's custard!
What’s happening this week in FCA? There will be a community outreach, Wednesday night, November 20, ‘Heart of An Athlete’- This will be held at the Richland Center High School auditorium. Doors open at 6:30- event starts at 7::00. All middle school and high school students & families are invited! Enjoy a night filled with inspiring messages, encouraging music and door prizes!
And don't forget! Thursday morning....Fellowship is Christian Athletes “huddle” morning! 7:00 am breakfast and devotion! Hope to see you!
A sincere thank you from Mrs. Niemeyer goes out to everyone that made the Variety Show possible! Thanks so much to the Ithaca community as a whole for your enthusiasm for the arts. Let's keep it going for years to come! Thank you also to:
The choir students for accomplishing so much!
Andy and Glen Niemeyer, Mr. Favreau and Mr. Mani, Greg and Aubrey Olson, Kaleb Underwood, and Danny Clary's Family for the building of the stage extension.
The Ithaca Foundation and PTSO for supplying monetary funds for the stage.
Mr. Hess and Mr. Wastlick for helping with tech set up and other important details.
Audrey, Elise, Kailey and Mrs. Newkirk for designing the program.
Jenni Christianson and Heather Muckler for organizing decorations and intermission.
Brian Walder and Cheryl Crook for running the technical boards - couldn't have done it without you!
Rob Richards and Bob Frank for helping to set up curtains and lights.
Susan Bloczynski for taking pictures.
Flexible coaches and supportive teachers!!!
Mrs. Behrens and Mrs. Willis for guidance and encouragement.
Administration and school board.
Donate blood this Wednesday! The FFA Fall Blood Drive is scheduled for Wednesday November 20th from 9 am till 2 pm in the Community Gym. You may sign up with Mr. Favreau, in the office, or on-line at This drive is also open to the general public. And don't forget...."Give a pint , Get a Pint" of Culver's custard!
Recent Calendar raffle ticket winners are: Nov. 11 Cheri Delkamp Savage Axis 7mm-08 w/scope, Nov. 12 Bailey Paint $50, Nov. 13 Lisa Bomkamp Center Point 370 crossbow, Nov. 14 Mick Huebsch $50. Thank you for supporting Ithaca Football!
Winter arrived unexpectedly and has a tight grip on our weather. As our students go out to enjoy recess or time outside, please be mindful of what gear your children are bringing (or not bringing) to school. As Mrs. Schoen has sent home, we encourage students to make their own choices about the gear they wear outside. Our staff reviews their choices and only intervenes if the weather is dangerous for what they may be missing. Please know that our staff is very sensitive to the needs of our students, and we discuss often that we can be approached at any time when they need things. This includes winter gear. Our supportive community and staff have resources to help students if they need items like winter jackets, snow pants, boots, or any other supplies. We will be discreet in supplying them, but we need to know. Feel free to reach out to your student’s teacher, Mrs. Schoen, Mrs. Pluemer or any other staff member to communicate those needs. We are One Team, One School, One Family.
Come and support the student council Wed. Nov. 20th for a Culver's share night. Proceeds go towards leadership training and scholarships. We hope to see everyone there!
Attention high school students: If you haven't ordered your yearbook yet, no worries, check out the holiday specials that Josten's is offering! Posters with details and ordering code for FREE holiday cards can be found throughout the high school.
There will be Game Club Thur., Nov. 21 after school to 5 PM. All students in grades 3-12 are invited. Elementary remember to return your permission slips to come. Middle and High - meet in the Commons after school for a healthy snack and we will go to the Multi-Purpose room for games. Make sure your ride is here by 5 PM please.
There will be a PTSO meeting on Wednesday, November 20 starting at 3:45 in the LMC. All are welcome and we hope to see you there!
Congratulations to the 6th grade Math 24 Integers team of Abby Plonka, Derek Franzen, Hunter Kennedy and Izzie Ortiz who participated in Tomah! They had a full day of competition, math, and fun.
DONUT Friday is TOMORROW, November 15. All proceeds for the donut sale will be donated to The March of Dimes. Donuts will be sold for $1 to high school and middle school students during Attack Time in Mrs. Burnley's room and after lunch.
Recent Calendar Raffle winners are: Nov. 7, Danny Clary-$50, Nov. 8, Bruce Adams-Tri Star Setter 20 ga over/under, Nov. 9, Jake Dederich-$50, Nov. 10, Joel Young-$50. Thank you for supporting Ithaca Football!!