​Ithaca School district will be closed today, January 22, 2019. ​Ithaca School district will be closed today, January 22, 2019.
almost 6 years ago, Julie R. Prouty
The West Sectional Spelling Bee scheduled for tomorrow at Prairie du Chien has been postponed to Tuesday, January 29 at 10 AM.
almost 6 years ago, Jill Plonka
Today is Monday, January 21, 2019. Due to the inclement weather, Ithaca School District will have a two hour delay.
almost 6 years ago, Julie R. Prouty
To ALL community members, parents, and students: Thank you for bringing to my attention errors on recent documents that were mailed to all district residents and school-choice families. I apologize for these errors and am attaching the documents with their corrections. I always invite feedback, so thank you. As we look to the future, the district is going to begin by looking at our current mission and vision and ask the questions: What Do We Stand For and Why Do We Exist? I invite each of you to be part this work to improve our school. Ithaca is a great place to be but there is always room for growth. We want this to be an inclusive, transparent process. Each meeting is from 6-730pm in the Ithaca Commons. Jan 28, Feb 19, and March 12. ALL community members are encouraged to complete the Ithaca Census form even if you no longer have students attending school. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kzLqTFFGowp94l8jfOE_A9a6n0eOIM4jq2gpM1ZaFhc/edit?usp=sharing District Facts https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G4-To2A87ZkGw6cYd_me5SKqICLwc5ct0jA5feMom2A/edit?usp=sharing Ithaca History Timeline https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G4-To2A87ZkGw6cYd_me5SKqICLwc5ct0jA5feMom2A/edit?usp=sharing
almost 6 years ago, Juli Thompson
Ithaca Census
District Information
District Information
Did you know Ithaca 4K-12th grade students can access thousands of free eBooks and audio books right now through the digital library, “Sora”? These books include best sellers, new releases, and books on the elementary, middle, and high school Battle of the Books Challenge. You can access these books on nearly any device, including your phone, Chromebook, laptop, or Kindle. Access free ebooks and audiobooks in three steps: 1. Visit Ithaca School District’s “Sora” digital library. 2. Log in using your school email address as your library card number (example:smitjon@ithaca.k12.wi.us). Your password is: Ithaca@wi (Uppercase "I" for Ithaca). 3. Check out books and begin reading! Here is the link https://wsdlcwi.libraryreserve.com/10/45/en/SignIn2.htm?branchid=3738&URL=Default.htm
almost 6 years ago, Juli Thompson
Attention - Little dribblers is cancelled for tomorrow due to anticipated weather.
almost 6 years ago, Juli Thompson
Today is January 18, 2019. Due to the projected storm, Ithaca Schools will be closing early. Elementary will dismiss at 1:20 and Middle and High School will dismiss at 1:30.
almost 6 years ago, Julie R. Prouty
Today is Friday, January 18. Ithaca schools will be cancelling all after school activities. Due to the impending weather, there will be no after school games or practices.
almost 6 years ago, Julie R. Prouty
This morning Ms. Sprecher's Career class took part in mock interviews with professionals from our community. Students developed resumes and interview skills to prepare for the day. Thank you to the interviewers for taking time to give your expertise to our students! DeAnna Jelinek, Pam Kaufman, Ashley Toussaint, Katie Burnley, Dave Schoen, Dana Francois and Julie Doudna.
almost 6 years ago, Juli Thompson
Job interviews
Careers class
Career interviews
Mock interviews
Five 6th graders had the privilege of meeting with local cartoonist John Mundt who gave sage advice in developing storylines, characters, and drawings to our future authors. The Young Authors Workshop was part of CESA 3's gifted and talented consortium programming and was held at SWTC.
almost 6 years ago, Juli Thompson
Ithaca's young authors with John
Ithaca has room in most classes for open enrollment. If you would like your child in 4K at Ithaca, please call for an appointment for screening.
almost 6 years ago, Julie R. Prouty
FBLA’s Dessert Friday is back! Tomorrow the famous donuts will be sold for $1.00 with all proceeds going to support the March of Dimes. They will be sold ONLY at 9:45 (during ATTACK, after breakfast is served) and at lunchtime after lunch has been served.
almost 6 years ago, Juli Thompson
Don't forget! If you know anyone who has a child that will be 3-years-old or 4-years-old on or before September 1st and would like to have their child attend school at Ithaca, please share this information regarding screening with them. Screening will be Jan 30, 31, Feb 1.
almost 6 years ago, Juli Thompson
4K screening (English)
4K Screening (Spanish)
Attn Students in grades 3-12: The next game club will be Thursday, January 24 from after school until 4:50. Meet in the commons after school for a healthy snack and then we'll head to the multi-purpose room for games. Elementary students remember to turn in a permission form to your teacher. Hope to see you then!
almost 6 years ago, Adam Hess
It's Throwback Thursday again! We all recognize the names: Jody Newkirk, John Rice, John Garner, Robert Bowers, Bob Nevel and Mike Stoddard - but do you know the year? The photo was published in the Richland Observer.
almost 6 years ago, Adam Hess
richland observer
The WIAA issued a letter to parents last week. The name of the OP-ED was: Dear Mom and Dad, cool it. You can read the letter at the following link. https://www.wiaawi.org/News/NewsReleases/tabid/113/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/14778/Op-Ed-Dear-Mom-and-Dad-Cool-it.aspx
almost 6 years ago, Adam Hess
High School students! Are you interested in health care or general education courses for college? Check out this opportunity starting in the fall through Southwest Tech. Deadline for applications is February 15!
almost 6 years ago, Juli Thompson
CollEDGE Up program
CollEDGE Up program
Let us cook for you!! The Ithaca/RC Horse Club team and parents will be serving a spaghetti dinner Friday, Jan 25, in the Ithaca High School Commons. Serving starts at 3:30 and carry outs will be available. Come to support the members, have a great meal, and then stay to watch our own Ithaca Girls and Boys basketball teams. Both gyms will be rocking! Hope to see you there!!
almost 6 years ago, Juli Thompson
Horse Club
Do you have an associates or bachelors degree or know someone who does? Ithaca School District could use you as a sub! There is substitute teacher training at CESA 3 in Fennimore on January 29 and open for associate and bachelor degree people. Registration is due January 24. Register online at: https://login.myquickreg.com/register/event/event.cfm?from_cms=1&eventid=22210 or visit MyQuickReg at: https://login.myquickreg.com/
almost 6 years ago, Juli Thompson
All after school activities tonight have been cancelled. This includes the home Middle School, Varsity Reserve and Varsity Girls Basketball games.
almost 6 years ago, Juli Thompson