A big "Thank you!" to Anytime Fitness of Richland Center for their donation of school supplies!
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Anytime Fitness donation
If you received an invitation over the summer to apply for membership in NHS, please make sure your applications are completed and turned in to Mrs.Wontor in Room 310 by Friday, September 13 by 3:45 pm. Late applications will not be considered.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
NOTICE TO THOSE ON FREE OR REDUCED LUNCHES LAST YEAR: You have through Tuesday Oct. 1st to re-apply for the program. If you have not applied by Oct. 1st, it will be assumed you plan on paying the lunch fee starting Wednesday Oct. 2nd. If you were on reduced lunches last year, you may have the reduced price of $.40 per day or $2.00 per week and reapply, also. See our "News" area for a link to the DPI website for more information in a News post about this program.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Thank you, Evelyn Kolman! She is a 1942 Ithaca graduate and has donated school supplies to the school for over 20 years! These supplies help fill a great need not just on the first day, but all year long.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Thank you, Evelyn!
Thanks for all the supplies!
As you make your way into and through the halls, keep your eyes open for all the hard work that our buildings and grounds crew undertook this summer! Bright new lighting was installed in many areas, including the Commons, Community Building and LMC. New windows! Our upper HS parking lot has been resurfaced and new "Visitor" spots are marked out. We have a new HVAC management system. Fresh paint and wax, new seals around our exterior doors complete with new security alarms. What a great way to start the new year!
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Middle school volleyball practice on Friday, August 30th will be 3:30-5 in the old gym to allow for the holiday weekend. -Coach Yoose
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Tonight is OPEN HOUSE! Don't forget to bring your transportation forms so our bus routes don't miss anyone. Turn in completed registration and free/reduced meals forms as well. Reconnect with familiar faces and meet the new ones. Put on your smiles for school pictures too!
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
"And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that never were." Rainer Marie Wilke We have new faces to meet! Paperwork to turn in! Pictures to take! Order online at mylifetouch.com with Picture Day ID: EVTPWPGJK.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Open House! August 29th
It's not to late to join the Middle School Volleyball team! Practices the rest of this week will be Tues. from 5-6:30, Wed. 5-6:30, and Fri. 5-6:30. There will be NO Practice Thursday due to Open House activities. Next week practice is Tue, Wed, Thurs. 3:45-5:15. All practices are in the Community Gym. Be sure you have all your required paperwork turned in.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Ithaca is seeking an individual who has their Phy Ed degree and a Health certification to fill a high school Phy Ed and Health position. Applicants who have a four year degree may apply with some stipulations. Details for the teaching position may be found through the WECAN website https://wecan.education.wisc.edu/#/.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Debunking Free and Reduced Meals Myths Families received applications for the Free and Reduced Meal Program. We urge you to complete and return the form! You way ask, “Why?” Read on to find out why that application is so valuable! 1) I don’t qualify, so I shouldn’t apply. ~What the state deems as “qualifies” may be different than your point of view. It doesn’t harm anything or anyone to fill out the form. 2) I don’t want free or reduced meals for my children, so I shouldn’t apply. ~Qualifying for free or reduced meals does NOT mean your family needs to accept them. BUT! Having families that do qualify increases funding that our school receives for other programs. That funding can help us provide more learning opportunities for our students and more resources for our staff! If you qualify, even if you don’t participate in the program, our district still may receive the added funding. 3) I don’t want other students or adults to know we participate in the free or reduced meals program. ~Ithaca takes this very seriously. No one outside of our food service leadership and administration knows this information. Treating students or families differently because they receive free or reduced meals will not be tolerated in the Ithaca School District. Please, PLEASE complete and return the form by August 27th. Doing so can help our students, families, and staff in so many ways. If you need a form, please contact the district office, reach out via Facebook in a private message, or view the DPI page devoted to free and reduced meals to find copies of the forms. The link is found under "News" on our app and website.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Are you or is someone you know qualified to teach math? Ithaca is seeking a high school math teacher to join our wonderful teaching staff! Review the position details from the WECAN website at https://wecan.education.wisc.edu/#/.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
The Ithaca School district has an employment opportunity for bus drivers! We are looking for a permanent substitute driver for a morning and afternoon route. This driver will also have a regular mid-day route daily! This is an excellent opportunity to make some extra money, enjoy your day out of the house and make a difference in the lives of Ithaca students. Please call Mr. Andrew Peterson or Mrs. Cheryl Richards at 608-585-2512 for compensation and employment details. Call today to help transport Ithaca students to their world of education. The number again is 608-585-2512, and ask for Cheryl Richards or Andrew Peterson. Call now, this opening is for immediate hire.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
ATTENTION: Parents and Guardians. Transportation sheets have now been mailed. Please return the sheets to the Transportation Department or directly to Andy Peterson at Ithaca Schools as soon as possible. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
MS Football practice will begin next Monday with practice from 4 until 6.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Middle school volleyball starts Monday August 26. Practice is from 5:00-6:30 the first week. No practice Labor Day. Once school starts practice is 3:45-5:15.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
We are still looking for a Middle School girls Volleyball coach. Interested applicants should turn in a completed application that may be found on our website under “Employment”. Any questions contact Ithaca Athletic Director Zac Thome at thomzac@ithaca.k12.wi.us.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Ithaca Public School is looking for a Community Liaison to assist our students! Details may be found on our website.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Community Liaison
In the event parents, guardians and/or student-athletes missed the Ithaca High / Middle School Co-Curricular meeting (required) we have a digital copy of the presentation. We also have DVD's for check-out from the school office. https://youtu.be/32hI5NPUDUs
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
If you plan on coming to the school this week, workers will be prepping the high school parking lot on Monday to be seal-coated. The HS lot is going to be seal-coated Tuesday, July 30 - Thursday, August 1. Do NOT park in that parking lot.
over 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools