Game Club will be held this Thursday, January 23 from after school until 5 PM. All students in grades 3-12 are welcome to attend. We will meet in the commons for a snack and then go to the Multi-purpose room for games. Hope to see you all then! Mrs. Parduhn and Mrs. Plonka
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
If you are a certified nurse, and you are interested in working at Ithaca 1-2 days a month, please fill out our application on the website under "Explore" and then "Employment". Turn completed application forms in to the office or district office.
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Main Page, click "Explore"
Click "Employment"
Open "Application Form"
Ninth grader Erica Steinmetz and seventh grader Allison Durst entered the Teaching Today WI Dream Careers essay contest last November. Authors wrote an essay on their dream career. Allison was one of the 6 middle school winners and will receive a $100 cash prize and Erica received an honorable mention and will receive a $75 cash prize. Congratulations ladies on your excellent essays! Winning essays will be featured in upcoming issues of Teaching Today - Wisconsin. View the full article with a complete list of winners here
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Teaching Today - WI Dream Essay winners
Last Tuesday the 4th and 5th grade Math 24 teams traveled to Southwest Tech for the CESA 3 competition. There were 102 students from 17 schools participating in the contest. Placings and points are as follows: In 4th grade Alyssa Olson placed 9th with 122 points, Memphis Burkhalter placed 13th with 111 points, and Peyton Brown placed 31st with 67 points. In 5th grade Ethan Birkrem just missed a ribbon placing 4th with 105 points, Aubri Imhoff placed 19th with 51 points, and Maylee Pluemer placed 22nd with 44 points. Congratulations we are all very proud of you – you did an outstanding job representing Ithaca!
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Grades 4 and 5 Math 24 Competition
The High School Science Quiz Bowl trip to Milwaukee tomorrow (Saturday Jan 18) has been cancelled.
almost 5 years ago, Adam Hess
This message from Ithaca Boys Basketball: No practice today due to the anticipated road conditions. See you on Monday!
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
The Ithaca at Lafarge girls basketball game for tonight has been postponed due to impending weather.
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
The Grow Rural Education program allows eligible farmers to nominate their local public school district for grants to help enhance STEM education. Nominations are now open through April 1st. Once nominated, school districts submit applications to compete for $15,000 grant to help fund projects that enhance their STEM curriculum. Here is a link to fill out a nomination: Eligible farmers and schools are defined at this link:
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
American Farmers Grow rural education STEM grant
A story is circulating about a 104 year-old WWII Veteran that is asking for Valentine's cards to be mailed to him for Valentine's Day. To honor him for everything he has done for our country and to make his day, the Middle School Student Council is going to be collecting Valentine's Cards and sending to him. If your class or anyone in general is interested in making cards for him please let Mrs. Hilby or a Middle School Student Council member know. They will be collecting them from now until January 31, and then mailing them out.
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Ithaca Students have art hanging at CESA 3 in Fennimore.  Look for it when you are there!
almost 5 years ago, Julie R. Prouty
Ithaca student work
Reminder that we are tree nut/peanut sensitive which means you make every attempt to NOT have any tree nuts/peanuts in food you bring into the school. This is literally a life-threatening situation.
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Peanut and Tree Nut Free
Attention NHS members: Don't forget we have concessions on Thursday night for the boy’s basketball game. Please be here.
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
HS Band Students: A reminder that you have pep band on Thursday night. Please be here by 6:45 pm.
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Just a reminder... The FCA and GIG will be having a movie night...tonight! All middle school and high school students are welcome to attend Willow Valley Church...Supper will be served at 5:30 - followed by the showing: ‘Overcomer’ - an inspiring movie for all! Popcorn will be provided. Bring a friend!
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Snowshoeing for 5th graders was postponed for today, but the weather didn't keep Mr. Mani from encouraging winter outdoor fun! This Snowbody was created during recess today thanks to the help of a lot of creativity and hard work of our older elementary students.
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Snow play today!
The Ithaca school spelling bee was held in the gym last week with 31 students in grades 4-8 participating. Our 3rd place speller is Maggie Gschwind, 2nd place is Ilana Bloczynski and after 38 rounds, our Ithaca Spelling Bee champion 2020 is Aaron Bloczynski who won with the word ’successor’. Aaron and Ilana will represent Ithaca at the West Sectional Bee at Weston on January 29 and Maggie will serve as alternate. Congratulations to everyone, I am very proud of each and every one of you! Mrs. Plonka
almost 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
2020 Spelling Bee Winners!
For ease of use, our Facility Use Form is now located on the web and app! Look under "Explore" and click on the "Community Related" tab under "Printable Forms". Clicking on "Facility Use Form" will open the form needed to make reservations. This form must be submitted at least five days prior to the date of use.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Printable Forms - Community Related
Facility Use Form
Families without internet at home. If you qualify to receive assistance for this program, information may be found at This program helps households obtain internet for those that meet these qualifications: Must have 1 child in middle or high school; Must have a device that is internet accessible; Must be under 80% County Median Income; Your home must be able to receive internet. Applications are on the web, or print from this link:
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
The FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) and GIG are teaming up to host a movie night!! 🎥 Wednesday, January 15 @ Willow Valley Church. Supper will be provided & will be served from 5:30-6:15- following supper will be the showing of: ‘Overcomer’- an inspiring movie about an encouraging coach and cross country athlete finding her identity and purpose. ALL middle school and high school students are welcome! Bring a friend! Popcorn will be provided! Hope to see you!!
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools
The careers class applied the life skills and job skills they have been learning about and practicing during the Mock Interviews yesterday. Sophomores prepared a cover letter, resume and references for an entry level job they would like to apply for. Community business people donated their time and talent to interview the students and give them feedback on their interview as well as their cover letter and resumes. Although the students were nervous, they all agreed that the interview wasn't as bad as they thought it would be. The careers class teaches interviewing skills to every high school student as well as help them set goals for being career and college ready. A big thanks to the following for donating their time to invest in the future of our students: Julie Doudna, Dana Francois, DeAnna Jelinek, Pam Kaufmann, Chuck Keller, Monica Kershner, Laura Melby, Brian Moore, Marty Richards, Dave Schoen, and Ashley Touissant.
about 5 years ago, Ithaca Schools