Join us at the meeting to contribute to:
• Worksite wellness completed in partnership with Rockwell Automation, The Richland Hospital, and Symons Recreation Complex
• Healthy Wisconsin Communities Designation
• Richland County will join other Wisconsin communities being recognized for their efforts to improve health & amenities to serve their citizens!
• Influencing policies to support wellness Richland School District, RC Aquatic Center, G.R.A.C.E., FoodWIse & school gardens, Color Run with Sources of Strength
• Talk with other community leaders about how we can influence health for everyone! Use the tool.
Richland FIT Steering Committee members 2019-20:
Cindy Chicker-co-chair (HWLI graduate)
Chelsea Wunnicke-co-chair (HWLI graduate)
Betsy Roesler (HWLI graduate)
Sheri Scott (HWLI graduate)
Mary Nee (HWLI participant)
Marcia Carlson
Amy Hardy
Abbey Ewing (welcome!)
We look forward to seeing you there!!
Choir Parents: We need your help with concessions for Solo and Ensemble for Saturday March 14. This year Ithaca is hosting the contest. Please go to Sign-Up Genius to see what you can do.
Nothing to do tomorrow night? The Annual Ithaca PTSO's FREE Bingo night will be Friday, March 6 starting at 6 PM in the Commons. All Ithaca friends and family are welcome to this event. We have LOTS of prizes and everyone goes home with a free book! Hope to see you then!
School social workers are a vital part of the district. Students' learning is enhanced with the assistance and attention social workers provide. Happy School Social Workers Week!
Choir students: Remember to pick up your Butter Braid orders today in the commons at the end of the school day.
The Policy meeting scheduled for tonight will be held Thursday, March 4 at 6:00 PM instead.
Congratulations to the Destination Imagination teams who competed on Saturday at Middleton and did a fantastic job representing Ithaca. Placing 5th in Improv were the Scream Testers - Olivia Menne, Ally Plonka, Owen Feryance, and Abby Plonka. Placing 4th in Improv was High Aspirations Low Expectations - Ilana Bloczynski, Tristen Peterson, Trista Pluemer, and Maggie Gschwind. Placing 3rd in Engineering were the Meeses Geeses - Kaylee Peterson, Emma Coy, Kaylee Miller, Alivya Young, and Miranda Franzen. Placing 2nd in Fine Arts and earning a trip to state were the Pickle Pals - Allison Durst and Holly King. Placing 1st in Improv and also earning a trip to state were the 7 Yetis - Kerrick Thompson, Meghan Miller, Sam Jones, Ethan Birkrem, Maylee Pluemer, and Annabeth Sprecher. The Meeses Geeses, Pickle Pals, and 7 Yetis all ranked 1st in their instant challenges as well.
Thank you to everyone who came to the share night at Culvers yesterday! The Junior class appreciates your suppprt!
Congratulations to the Elementary Battle of the Books team as they placed 10th yesterday out of 23 teams at the MVGTN competition in Warrens! Members of the team are Ethan Birkrem, Maylee Pluemer, Peyton Brown, Ashlynn Fowell, and Memphis Burkhalter. I was very proud of your teamwork and you represented Ithaca well!! ~ Mrs. Plonka
Check out the banners in the Commons honoring our Valedictorian, Zach Nelson, and Salutatorian, Bethany Weldon. Thank you to the Ithaca PTSO for purchasing them and to Frank Wastlick for hanging them up.
From organizer, Dana Gochenaur: Due to the high numbers of influenza within the community, we feel it would be in the best interest of the students to cancel Club Scrub for tonight. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, please feel free to call.
Come and support the Junior class for their Share night from 4:00 - 8:00 pm. at Culvers tonight.
Ithaca is doing a mental health screening for all freshmen. There is a video explaining the process:
On Sunday the Youth Basketball program had our end of the year youth basketball party! Youth families gathered and we celebrated with food, a program and a fun open gym for the kids!
We would like to thank our basketball booster club for their support and our volunteer coaches for their time and dedication to the program:
Joe Brown, John Young, Darin Steinmetz, Kristin Ihm, Brenda Olson, Janelle Jones, Shelly Maxwell & Monica Kershner.
March 1-7 is National School Social Worker Week. School Social Workers support students, families, and the community in mental health, relationships, and a variety of social/emotional/behavioral areas for personal and academic wellness.
Juniors and International students: Those that have not turned in permission slips, bring them to Ms. Bevan today. Meet in the commons on Tuesday morning at 8:00a.m. with #2 pencils and a calculator to leave for ACT testing. Please make sure to be on time for the bus.
Butter Braid orders will be here on Thursday. Please make arrangements to pick up your order in the commons right after school. If you have a large order, you might need to make arrangements to have someone pick you up that day. Remember that Butter Braids are frozen and will need to stay that way until you deliver them. We DO NOT have enough freezer space here at school to store your orders.
There are still quite a few ACT permission forms missing for our students taking the ACT. Forms are due Monday to Ms. Bevan. Here is a copy for your convenience.
Read Across America Week begins next week on Monday to commemorate Dr. Seuss Week! Share a love of reading with your family and your students' classes. Bring a book to school to read, and rediscover your love for Dr. Seuss' books by reading them at home too.
Serenity Clary will soon share her love of singing at two state wrestling tournaments. She will Be performing the national anthem at the 2020 State Individual Wrestling Tournament tomorrow at the Kohl Center in Madison and at the Youth State Wrestling Match in March, also in Madison, at the Alliant Center. Read more about her in the February 27, 2020, issue of the Richland Observer!