The Case of the Mystery Smell was solved this summer! Detective Frank Wastlick didn't give up on this case and through his persistence, the smell that plagued Mrs. Willis' room was found and remedied! Trust him when he says you don't want to see the evidence of the source.
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Tear it out... put it back together.
Mon. Oct. 05, 2020 Today is a Day 2 Elementary is a Day 1 The schedule for Band and Choir today is: 6A - Band, 6B- Choir, 8A - Band, 8B - Choir. The HS Band and Choir are on the Day 4 Schedule. Lunch for today: 1st choice, Meatloaf, 2nd choice, Philly Chicken, Broccoli/Cheese Sauce, Mandarin Oranges, Dinner Roll, Milk There will be a Youth4Change meeting in the library today, during ATTACK time. It's that time of year again! The PTSO Rural Route 1 popcorn fundraiser runs through October 9. Popcorn delivery will be November 6. Elementary students will be bringing home order forms in their backpacks. Middle & high schoolers interested in selling may pick up order forms from the school office. Any order forms turned in after October 9 cannot guarantee delivery by November 6. Prizes will be given for the top 10 sellers - top seller will receive $20 and 2nd-10th will receive $10! The class that sells the most will receive a $100 prize to spend on whatever they want! Picture retakes are on Friday October 16th from 8:00 - 1:00. Word of the Day: Vitiate Vitiate v. Spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of. “The government programs were vitiated by excessive red tape.” Destroy or impair the legal validity of. Birthdays: Elementary—none H.S./M.S.—none
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
An update on upcoming Special Committee meetings: The Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting for October is cancelled, and the Curriculum Committee meeting scheduled for November is also cancelled.
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Homecoming 2020 Dress Up Days! COVID Survivor Island! MIDDLE and HIGH SCHOOL: Monday - Favorite Team/Player Jersey Tuesday - Twin Day Wednesday - nothing for virtual learning day Thursday - Class Colors - Fresh. pink, Soph. orange, Jun. yellow, Sen. black; 6A pink, 6B yellow, 7A green, 7B red, 8A blue, 8B purple Friday - School Spirit Wear ELEMENTARY: Monday - Favorite Team/Player Jersey Tuesday - Twin Day Wednesday - nothing for virtual learning day Thursday - Class Colors - 4K rainbow colors, K blue, 1st black, 2nd purple, 3rd red, 4th turquoise, 5th green Friday - School Spirit Wear
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
High School Dress Up Days
Middle School Dress Up Days
Elementary Dress Up Days
Fri. Oct.2nd, 2020 Today is a Day 1 Elementary is a Day 6 The schedule for Band and Choir today is: 6B - Band, 6A - Choir, 7B - Band, 7A - Choir. The HS Band and Choir are on the Day 3 Schedule. Lunch for today: 1st choice, Fish Sandwich, 2nd choice, Grilled Chicken, Yams, Pineapple, Dinner Roll, Milk There will be a Youth4Change meeting in the library on Monday, October 5th, during ATTACK time. It's time to show your school spirit!!! Next week is homecoming week with dress up days and class games! The class that shows the most spirit by participating in dressing up and competing in the games will win a pizza party during ATTACK on October 15. Win points for your class by dressing up every day next week. Student Council will keep track of what percentage of your class participates and assign points. The scores will be posted each day. Then on Friday, the class games will add points to your score. We will finish off the day with an outdoor pep rally! Watch for signs for more information! It's that time of year again! The PTSO Rural Route 1 popcorn fundraiser runs through October 9. Popcorn delivery will be November 6. Elementary students will be bringing home order forms in their backpacks. Middle & high schoolers interested in selling may pick up order forms from the school office. Any order forms turned in after October 9 cannot guarantee delivery by November 6. Prizes will be given for the top 10 sellers - top seller will receive $20 and 2nd-10th will receive $10! The class that sells the most will receive a $100 prize to spend on whatever they want! Picture retakes are on Friday October 16th from 8:00 - 1:00. Homecoming 2020 Covid-Survior Island Dress Up Days Monday: Favorite Team/Player Jersey Tuesday: Twin Day Wednesday… virtual day no dress up Thursday: Class Color Day..Freshmen/Pink, Sophomore/ Orange, Juniors/ Yellow, Seniors/Black Friday: School Spirit Wear If classes want to wear their class colors to the Friday games, they can change to their colors before the games. Word of the Day: Vitriol Vitriol; Vitriolic n. Cruel, bitter, scathing criticism; Abusive feeling or expression. “A vitriolic tone of voice.” Birthdays: Elementary—Sunday, Aidan Imhoff H.S./M.S.—Will Burnley, Jayden Moran, Sunday, Malorie Miller
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Don't forget tomorrow is a a scheduled early release at 1:10pm. We will begin elementary student pickup at 12:45 pm.
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Early Release
Once all that dust settled, the clean up and finishing touches went on! The finishing touches on our gym floor look fantastic. Look at the process of putting down detail painting!
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Fine line painting
Detail painting
Putting down "Bulldog"!
Painting the Bulldog
Please note time correction! The previous post had typos! The Ithaca School fair animal show and sale is this Saturday, October 3. Weigh in is from 7-730, the show begins at 8 am. Little britches show is at 9:30 am with the sale to begin at 10:00 am. Please wear a mask while on school property and social distancing is encouraged. Come support our youth that have stuck with their animal projects through this uncertain summer! If you would like to leave a bid for an animal because you are unable to make it to the sale, please contact Jim Favreau or Melissa Sprecher at 608-585-2311.
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
School Fair Bill
Students and families, please remember to charge your school-issued Chromebooks at home each night so they arrive at school each day fully charged and ready to go. We are noticing that many students are not charging their Chromebooks each night. Thanks!
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Battery Charged!
Thurs. Oct. 1st, 2020 Today is a Day 2 Elementary is a Day 5 The schedule for Band and Choir today is: 6A - Band, 6B - Choir, 7A - Band, 7B - Choir. The HS Band and Choir are on the Day 2 Schedule. Lunch for today: 1st choice, BBQ, 2nd choice, Corn Dog, Steamed Carrots, Mixed Fruit, Dinner Roll, Milk NOTICE TO THOSE ON FREE OR REDUCED LUNCHES LAST YEAR: You have through Thursday Oct. 1st to re-apply for the program. If you have not applied by Oct. 1st, it will be assumed you plan on paying the lunch fee starting Friday Oct. 2nd. If you were on reduced lunches last year, you may have the reduced price of $.40 per day or $2.00 per week and reapply, also. It's time to show your school spirit!!! Next week is homecoming week with dress up days and class games! The class that shows the most spirit by participating in dressing up and competing in the games will win a pizza party during ATTACK on October 15. Win points for your class by dressing up every day next week. Student Council will keep track of what percentage of your class participates and assign points. The scores will be posted each day. Then on Friday, the class games will add points to your score. We will finish off the day with an outdoor pep rally! Watch for signs for more information! Juniors and Seniors: Just a friendly reminder: If you are interested in taking any courses in the Spring through UW Platteville-Richland or Southwest Technical College, please have your Early College Credit Program, CollEDGE Up, or Start College Now applications turned into Ms. Bevan today. All information and application form links may be found in your Schoology Group "Class of 2021" or "Class of 2022" or on the Ithaca School Facebook page. Stop in or email Ms. Bevan if you have any questions. Thank you! It's that time of year again! The PTSO Rural Route 1 popcorn fundraiser runs through October 9. Popcorn delivery will be November 6. Elementary students will be bringing home order forms in their backpacks. Middle & high schoolers interested in selling may pick up order forms from the school office. Any order forms turned in after October 9 cannot guarantee delivery by November 6. Prizes will be given for the top 10 sellers - top seller will receive $20 and 2nd-10th will receive $10! The class that sells the most will receive a $100 prize to spend on whatever they want! Picture retakes are on Friday October 16th from 8:00 - 1:00. Word of the Day: Alchemy Alchemy n. 1. A power or process of transforming something common into something special. 2. An inexplicable or mysterious process by which paradoxical results are achieved with no obvious rational explanation. Birthdays: Elementary—none H.S./M.S.—Ty Kershner and Alexander Prouty
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
You may have noticed at Picture Night that our gym floor got a facelift! What a project! Check out the early pictures during the process. The dust was flying!
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Sanding down the top
Almost done sanding!
As the dust settles
Then a base layer goes down before detailing
The Ithaca School district is looking to hire a School Bus aide. This assistant will be responsible for taking temperatures, monitoring the bus activity and will involve some cleaning duties as well. Shifts are roughly two hours in the morning and evening - from 6:15am to 8:15am and from 3:10pm-5:00pm. Pay is $9.00 per hour Contact Ithaca Human Resources @ 585-2512 to become part of the Ithaca Team.
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Wed. Sept. 30th, 2020 Today is a Day 1 Lunch for today: 1st choice, Turkey Sub, Green Beans, Orange, Milk 2nd choice, NOTICE TO THOSE ON FREE OR REDUCED LUNCHES LAST YEAR: You have through Thursday Oct. 1st to re-apply for the program. If you have not applied by Oct. 1st, it will be assumed you plan on paying the lunch fee starting Friday Oct. 2nd. If you were on reduced lunches last year, you may have the reduced price of $.40 per day or $2.00 per week and reapply, also. The Ithaca Volleyball Boosters will meet tonight in the LMC starting at 5:35pm. All interested community members and families are welcome to attend. It's time to show your school spirit!!! Next week is homecoming week with dress up days and class games! The class that shows the most spirit by participating in dressing up and competing in the games will win a pizza party during ATTACK on October 15. Win points for your class by dressing up every day next week. Student Council will keep track of what percentage of your class participates and assign points. The scores will be posted each day. Then on Friday, the class games will add points to your score. We will finish off the day with an outdoor pep rally! Watch for signs for more information! Juniors and Seniors: Just a friendly reminder: If you are interested in taking any courses in the Spring through UW Platteville-Richland or Southwest Technical College, please have your Early College Credit Program, CollEDGE Up, or Start College Now applications turned into Ms. Bevan by October 1st. All information and application form links may be found in your Schoology Group "Class of 2021" or "Class of 2022" or on the Ithaca School Facebook page. Stop in or email Ms. Bevan if you have any questions. Thank you! It's that time of year again! The PTSO Rural Route 1 popcorn fundraiser runs through October 9. Popcorn delivery will be November 6. Elementary students will be bringing home order forms in their backpacks. Middle & high schoolers interested in selling may pick up order forms from the school office. Any order forms turned in after October 9 cannot guarantee delivery by November 6. Prizes will be given for the top 10 sellers - top seller will receive $20 and 2nd-10th will receive $10! The class that sells the most will receive a $100 prize to spend on whatever they want! Picture retakes are on Friday October 16th from 8:00 - 1:00. Birthdays: Elementary—none H.S./M.S.—none
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Mrs. Richards' first-grade class received notes and instructions to take home today. Please check backpacks and take-home folders for important information. Mrs. Prouty
almost 4 years ago, Julie R. Prouty
While we were away on summer break, our buildings and grounds crew took on some big tasks! Thanks to Simpson Tractor, our outside received some attention. The exterior of the building was treated and power-washed to get a fresh look for the new year! What a difference it made!
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Ben M. treats the exterior prior to power-washing
Ben M. power-washes on the lift from Simpson Tractor
Larry power-washes lower areas
Tom W. power-washes outside
Tues. Sept. 29th, 2020 Today is a Day 2 Elementary is a Day 4 The schedule for Band and Choir today is: 6B - Band, 6A - Choir, 8B - Band, 8A - Choir. Lunch for today: 1st choice, Chicken & Gravy, 2nd choice, Ham Wrap, Mashed Potatoes, Veggies & Dip, Peaches, Milk NOTICE TO THOSE ON FREE OR REDUCED LUNCHES LAST YEAR: You have through Thursday Oct. 1st to re-apply for the program. If you have not applied by Oct. 1st, it will be assumed you plan on paying the lunch fee starting Friday Oct. 2nd. If you were on reduced lunches last year, you may have the reduced price of $.40 per day or $2.00 per week and reapply, also. Please release the Cross Country athletes at 1:50 today. All HS Band students will have band today outside. Entrances need to be staggered to allow for social distancing. Freshman should come right to the Band room at the beginning of 5th hour. All other grades go to your study halls. Your teachers will dismiss you when it is time for your class to come to the Band room. During ATTACK today there will be a Senior Class meeting in Ms. Durkin's room. The Freshman class will also have a class meeting during this time. The Ithaca Volleyball Boosters will meet Wednesday night, September 30th in the LMC starting at 5:35pm. All interested community members and families are welcome to attend. Juniors and Seniors: Just a friendly reminder: If you are interested in taking any courses in the Spring through UW Platteville-Richland or Southwest Technical College, please have your Early College Credit Program, CollEDGE Up, or Start College Now applications turned into Ms. Bevan by October 1st. All information and application form links may be found in your Schoology Group "Class of 2021" or "Class of 2022" or on the Ithaca School Facebook page. Stop in or email Ms. Bevan if you have any questions. Thank you! It's that time of year again! The PTSO Rural Route 1 popcorn fundraiser runs through October 9. Popcorn delivery will be November 6. Elementary students will be bringing home order forms in their backpacks. Middle & high schoolers interested in selling may pick up order forms from the school office. Any order forms turned in after October 9 cannot guarantee delivery by November 6. Prizes will be given for the top 10 sellers - top seller will receive $20 and 2nd-10th will receive $10! The class that sells the most will receive a $100 prize to spend on whatever they want! Picture retakes are on Friday October 16th from 8:00 - 1:00. Word of the Day: Indolent Indolent; Indolence n. Having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful, lazy: “an indolent person.” Birthdays: Elementary—none H.S./M.S.—none
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
The amphitheater is open for business! Our outside and inside areas are constantly improving. As of this week, our students, staff, and community may now use the outdoor amphitheater. So many thanks to pass out: Mike Mani for all his muscle power, Adam Hess for rigging it up with WiFi, the Playground Committee for their vision, the School Board for approving the project, and all the individuals and groups along the way that helped make the process a smooth and speedy one. That and so many improvements have been made to the Ithaca School buildings and grounds recently. Stay tuned for more information on all the transformations!
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
The Amphitheater is OPEN!
The Parent Connect is a free, weekly opportunity for parents and caregivers to talk with each other. As we connect, we find resources and gain skills that can make our families happier. Each Parent Connect is hosted by an Extension Educator and lasts one hour. Participants can join via phone or video-chat. Sessions are offered each Thursday evenings in October from 7-8pm. More information is available here: Important! Please register prior to The Parent Connect to receive connection link & phone number: Please see the attached image that can be posted to facebook and use the text above as the "body" of the facebook post or email you can forward. Visit the Extension Responds to COVID-19 website for a wide range of resources developed by Extension.
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
Parent Connect
Mon. Sept. 28th, 2020 Today is a Day 1 Elementary is a Day 3 The schedule for Band and Choir today is: 6A - Band, 6B - Choir, 8A - Band, 8B - Choir. HS Band and Choir are on the Day 5 Schedule. 8th grade Band students - Please bring your chromebooks with you today and tomorrow. Lunch for today: 1st choice, BBQ Rib Sandwich, 2nd choice, Chicken Salad Sub, Baked Beans, Mandarin Oranges, Milk NOTICE TO THOSE ON FREE OR REDUCED LUNCHES LAST YEAR: You have through Thursday Oct. 1st to re-apply for the program. If you have not applied by Oct. 1st, it will be assumed you plan on paying the lunch fee starting Friday Oct. 2nd. If you were on reduced lunches last year, you may have the reduced price of $.40 per day or $2.00 per week and reapply, also. Sources of Strength will be meeting in the Library during ATTACK time today. The Ithaca Volleyball Boosters will meet Wednesday night, September 30th in the LMC starting at 5:35pm. All interested community members and families are welcome to attend. Juniors and Seniors: Just a friendly reminder: If you are interested in taking any courses in the Spring through UW Platteville-Richland or Southwest Technical College, please have your Early College Credit Program, CollEDGE Up, or Start College Now applications turned into Ms. Bevan by October 1st. All information and application form links may be found in your Schoology Group "Class of 2021" or "Class of 2022" or on the Ithaca School Facebook page. Stop in or email Ms. Bevan if you have any questions. Thank you! It's that time of year again! The PTSO Rural Route 1 popcorn fundraiser runs through October 9. Popcorn delivery will be November 6. Elementary students will be bringing home order forms in their backpacks. Middle & high schoolers interested in selling may pick up order forms from the school office. Any order forms turned in after October 9 cannot guarantee delivery by November 6. Prizes will be given for the top 10 sellers - top seller will receive $20 and 2nd-10th will receive $10! The class that sells the most will receive a $100 prize to spend on whatever they want! Picture retakes are on Friday October 16th from 8:00 - 1:00. Word of the Day: Caprice Caprice n. A sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior. Birthdays: Elementary—none H.S./M.S.—none
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools
It's that time of year again! The PTSO Rural Route 1 popcorn fundraiser begins September 25 and runs through October 9. Popcorn delivery will be November 6. Elementary students will be bringing home order forms in their backpacks. Middle and high schoolers interested in selling may pick up an order form outside the school office. Any order forms turned in after October 9 can not be guaranteed delivery on November 6. Prizes will be given for the top 10 sellers - top seller will receive $20 and 2nd-10th will receive $10! The class that sells the most will receive a $100 prize to spend on whatever they want!
almost 4 years ago, Ithaca Schools