Nov. 12th, 2021
Today is a Day 1
Lunch for today: First Choice - Quesadilla, Second Choice - Fish Sandwich, Corn, Mandarin Oranges, Breadstick, Milk
The schedule today for Band and Choir is: 6th Grade - Choir, 7th and 8th Grade - Band. HS - Day 1 Schedule.
Football Calendar Raffle Winner for November 12th, Bonnie Jones -Congratulations!
There will be a youth basketball sign up meeting on Thursday, November 18th at 5:30pm in the Commons. All boys and girls in Kindergarten through 6th grade interested in playing basketball should come to the sign up meeting. If you have questions, please message John Young at 608-604-9270.
The Ithaca basketball apparel store is up and running! Please place your orders by November 15th by 10:00am.
The PTSO winter apparel sale is up & running! The sale is available ONLINE ONLY this year. Lots of gift ideas for your Bulldog fan! Please place your orders using the link below by November 14. Delivery will be before December 22.
This Day in History: Ellis Island closes. On November 12, 1954, Ellis Island, the gateway to America, shuts it doors after processing more than 12 million immigrants since opening in 1892. Today, tens of millions of Americans can trace their roots through Ellis Island, located in New York Harbor off the New Jersey coast and named for merchant Samuel Ellis, who owned the land in the 1770s.
Word of the Day: Edify verb ED-uh-fye Edify means "to uplift, enlighten, or inform." The speaker's words edified the graduating class, giving them hope and encouragement.
Elementary—Today: Lane Buscher, on Sunday: Brynli Brady and Maisy Tauaalo
The Ithaca Veterans day program 2021 will be live streaming on the Ithaca YouTube Channel. The program begins today at 1:30 and can viewed at the following link:
"True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost." ~Arthur Ash
"Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices." ~President Harry Truman
Save the Date! Gingerbread House Fun Night will be Friday, December 10 starting at 5:30 in the Commons. Because of possible illnesses going through the building we are not going to use old milk cartons as "structural supports" for houses this year. Instead, we ask that everyone start saving boxes sized like mac n cheese or pasta boxes (see photo). Frosting and graham crackers will be provided. We are also asking families to bring their own trays to put their houses on and candies/decorations (though if you forget, we'll have extra trays and candy). Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place houses! Flyers will be going out soon.
Nov. 11th, 2021
Today is a Day 2
Lunch for today: First Choice - Cheeseburger, Second Choice - Brat, Baked Beans, Pears, Dessert, Milk
The schedule today for Band and Choir is: 6th Grade - Band, 7th and 8th Grade - Choir. HS - Day 2 Schedule.
Haleigh Colson--see Ms. Schoen by noon today.
Football Calendar Raffle Winner for November 11th Niki Jones - Congratulations!
The Ithaca basketball apparel store is up and running! Please place your orders by November 15th by 10:00am.
The PTSO winter apparel sale is up & running! The sale is available ONLINE ONLY this year. Lots of gift ideas for your Bulldog fan! Please place your orders using the link below by November 14. Delivery will be before December 22.
This Date in History: Today is Veterans Day! This observance day began in 1919 as Armistice Day to commemorate the end of World War 1. In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed legislation changing Armistice Day to Veterans Day, “a day dedicated to world peace.” The day honors all veterans of the U.S. armed services.
Word of the Day: Steadfast adjective STED-fast Steadfast means "firm in belief, determination, or adherence." The mayor is a steadfast supporter of bringing more businesses into the downtown area.
Elementary—Curtis Mani
Seniors: There is a College Goal Virtual event being held this week to help you and your family fill out the FAFSA. This event is on Wednesday, November 10th starting at 6:00pm. Go to to register.
On November 10, 1969, “Sesame Street,” a pioneering TV show that would teach generations of young children the alphabet and how to count, makes its broadcast debut. “Sesame Street,” with its memorable theme song (“Can you tell me how to get/How to get to Sesame Street”), went on to become the most widely viewed children’s program in the world. It has aired in more than 120 countries.
There will be a Basketball Boosters meeting today in the Ithaca School commons at 6:00 p.m. Parents/guardians of girls and boys basketball players in elementary, middle, and high school levels are all welcome to attend the meeting. Also, those who are interested in coaching elementary players are encouraged to come and learn about the program. Thank you.
Attention middle and high school volleyball players! The pizza order pick up will be today in the Multipurpose Room from 4pm until 5pm. If you are unable to pick up at that time, you must make arrangements for someone else to do so. All High School volleyball players will be released at 3:00 to assist with sorting orders in the Multipurpose Room. Those of you not in basketball will stay on to assist with pick up.
Nov. 10th, 2021 Today is a Day 1
Lunch for today, First Choice, Chicken & Gravy, Second Choice, Baked Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Spinach Salad, Peaches, Dinner Roll, Milk
The schedule today for Band and Choir is: 6th Grade - Choir, 7th and 8th Grade - Band. HS - Day 1 Schedule.
Football Calendar Raffle Winner for November 10th Joe Durst - Congratulations!
HS Band students: Your permission forms for the Milwaukee trip are due today.
These students Emma Schoen, Erica Steinmetz, Will Burnley, and Aliya Swenson are to get a pass and meet in Mrs. Schoen's office during Seminar today. Bring your Veterans Day reading with you.
There will be a Basketball Boosters meeting today in the Ithaca School commons at 6:00 p.m. Parents/guardians of girls and boys basketball players in elementary, middle, and high school levels are all welcome to attend the meeting. Also, those who are interested in coaching elementary players are encouraged to come and learn about the program. Thank you.
Seniors: There is a College Goal Virtual event being held this week to help you and your family fill out the FAFSA. This event is on Wednesday, November 10th starting at 6:00pm. Go to to register.
The Ithaca basketball apparel store is up and running! Please place your orders by November 15th by 10:00am.
Attention middle and high school volleyball players! The pizza order pick up will be today in the Multipurpose Room from 4pm until 5pm. If you are unable to pick up at that time, you must make arrangements for someone else to do so. All High School volleyball players will be released at 3:00 to assist with sorting orders in the Multipurpose Room. Those of you not in basketball will stay on to assist with pick up.
The PTSO winter apparel sale is up & running! The sale is available ONLINE ONLY this year. Lots of gift ideas for your Bulldog fan! Please place your orders using the link below by November 14. Delivery will be before December 22.
This Day in History
On November 10, 1969, “Sesame Street,” a pioneering TV show that would teach generations of young children the alphabet and how to count, makes its broadcast debut. “Sesame Street,” with its memorable theme song (“Can you tell me how to get/How to get to Sesame Street”), went on to become the most widely viewed children’s program in the world. It has aired in more than 120 countries.
Word of the Day: Bevy noun BEV-ee A bevy is a large group or collection.
The gym offers a bevy of workout classes, including kickboxing and Zumba.
Elementary—Blake S.
H.S.M.S.—Kaylee P.
You are cordially invited to attend the Ithaca School Veterans’ Day Assembly. We will be honoring our local veterans through song, readings, stories, military salute, and acknowledgement of the sacrifices our veterans have made.
We are honored to have as our guest speaker Cecil Richardson, USAF Retired.
Mrs. Schoen is requesting families and community members to send her veterans’ names and military service information so this can be compiled and shared during the assembly. Name, branch of Service, rank, conflict if applicable, if Ithaca alumni, graduation date.
The Ithaca School Veterans’ Day Assembly will be on Thursday, November 11, 2021, at 1:30 pm. We do ask that masks be worn if at all possible.
Date: November 9, 2021
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Ithaca School District Administration will be Canceling the morning and Afternoon 4K classes for the remainder of the week. This is done so under the recommendation from the Ithaca School District Nurse and The Richland County Public Health Department.
Ithaca School District has an increased number of confirmed RSV cases and GI illness in the 4K class. In order to break the chain of infection and to do a deep clean of the classroom, Classes for the 4K morning and afternoon of November 10th and 11th will be Canceled.
Please know that this decision was not made lightly. We understand that children's education and safety is of the utmost importance. Additional letters with information regarding the illnesses will be sent home as well.
Please remember it is important to keep your children home when sick. Students must be symptom and fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever/symptom reducing medication.
Rest assured that our custodians and staff are working and will continue to disinfect classrooms and restrooms.
The best way to prevent the spread of any illness is to use proper hand washing please remind your children.
- After using the restroom.
- After coughing or sneezing.
- Before touching your mouth.
- Before and after eating.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding with the matter.
Samantha Wilson, RN
Ithaca District Nurse
Nov. 9th, 2021
Today is a Day 2
Lunch for today: First Choice - Parmesan Chicken, Second Choice - Taco, Steamed Carrots, Applesauce, Dinner Roll, Dessert, Milk
HS Band students: Your permission forms for the Milwaukee trip are due on Wednesday, Nov. 10.
Football Calendar Raffle Winner for November 9th Tracy Brownlee - Congratulations!
There will be an open gym in the old gym today from 4:00-5:30.
On Wednesday, November 10, there will be a Basketball Boosters meeting in the Ithaca School commons at 6:00 p.m. Parents/guardians of girls and boys basketball players in elementary, middle, and high school levels are all welcome to attend the meeting. Also, those who are interested in coaching elementary players are encouraged to come and learn about the program. Thank you.
Seniors: There is a College Goal Virtual event being held this week to help you and your family fill out the FAFSA. This event is on Wednesday, November 10th starting at 6:00pm. Go to to register.
Our November PTSO meeting will be today at 3:45 in the LMC. Babysitting will be provided. There will also be a zoom link for those unable to attend in person. We hope to see you there.
The Ithaca basketball apparel store is up and running! Please place your orders by November 15th by 10:00am.
We are seeking Juniors and/or Seniors who drive to school to ride the PM bus route and help the driver maintain proper bus behaviors: staying seated, masks worn properly, and hands to self. This is a paid position. See Mrs. Hackl or Ms Schoen if you are interested.
6-12 grade students: I am seeking teaching assistants all hours of the day. Placement will be in the elementary. Please see me (Ms Schoen) to sign up.
Attention middle and high school volleyball players! The pizza order pick up will be this Wednesday, November 10th in the Multipurpose Room from 4pm until 5pm. If you are unable to pick up at that time, you must make arrangements for someone else to do so. All High School volleyball players will be released at 3:00 to assist with sorting orders in the Multipurpose Room. Those of you not in basketball will stay on to assist with pick up.
The PTSO winter apparel sale is up & running! The sale is available ONLINE ONLY this year. Lots of gift ideas for your Bulldog fan! Please place your orders using the link below by November 14. Delivery will be before December 22.
This Day in History: On November 9, 1938, in an event that would foreshadow the Holocaust, German Nazis launch a campaign of terror against Jewish people and their homes and businesses in Germany and Austria. The violence, which continued through November 10 and was later dubbed “Kristallnacht,” or “Night of Broken Glass,” after the countless smashed windows of Jewish-owned establishments, left approximately 100 Jews dead, 7,500 Jewish businesses damaged and hundreds of synagogues, homes, schools and graveyards vandalized. An estimated 30,000 Jewish men were arrested, many of whom were then sent to concentration camps for several months; they were released when they promised to leave Germany. Kristallnacht represented a dramatic escalation of the campaign started by Adolf Hitler in 1933 when he became chancellor to purge Germany of its Jewish population.
Word of the Day: Truncate verb TRUNG-kayt Truncate means "to shorten by or as if by cutting off." Many statements in the court document were truncated before publication.
Elementary—No birthdays
H.S./M.S.—No birthdays
The Ithaca Basketball apparel store is up and running! Please place your orders by November 15th by 10:00am. Find the link for the combined boys and girls basketball apparel on the Ithaca Girls Basketball program Facebook page.
Nov. 8th, 2021
Today is a Day 1
Lunch for today: First Choice - Mexican Beef Macaroni Casserole, Second Choice - Hot Dog, Peas, Pineapple, Breadstick, Milk
As of Nov. 8th High School, Middle School and Elementary is color blue. Masks are optional. Note: This may change. Certain individuals and classes maybe required to wear a mask.
The schedule today for Band and Choir is: 6th Grade - Choir, 7th and 8th Grade - Band. HS - Day 1 Schedule.
HS Band students: Your permission forms for the Milwaukee trip are due on Wednesday, Nov. 10.
There will be NO open mat wrestling this week.
There will be an open gym in the old gym Tuesday from 4:00-5:30.
Football Calendar Raffle Winner for November 6th = Ron Richards, November 7th = Ryan Biermeier, November 8th = Ben and Mindy Drea - Congratulations!
The Ithaca basketball apparel store is up and running! Please place your orders by November 15th by 10:00am.
We are seeking Juniors and/or Seniors who drive to school to ride the PM bus route and help the driver maintain proper bus behaviors: staying seated, masks worn properly, and hands to self. This is a paid position. See Mrs. Hackl or Ms Schoen if you are interested.
6-12 grade students: I am seeking teaching assistants all hours of the day. Placement will be in the elementary. Please see me (Ms Schoen) to sign up.
Congratulations to the following students who were our top sellers for the Rural Route 1 popcorn sale: Olivia Biermeier, Easton Degenhardt, Aydin Kloehn, Mason Parduhn, Lyvia Pickel, David Manning, Abigail Phillips Durst, Tanner Swenink, Pearl Ledbury, Eli Swenson and our top seller was Lane Hilby. Mrs. Penfield's class sold the most popcorn. Thank you to everyone for your support of the Ithaca PTSO!
Attention middle and high school volleyball players! The pizza order pick up will be this Wednesday, November 10th in the Multipurpose Room from 4pm until 5pm. If you are unable to pick up at that time, you must make arrangements for someone else to do so. All High School volleyball players will be released at 3:00 to assist with sorting orders in the Multipurpose Room. Those of you not in basketball will stay on to assist with pick up.
The PTSO winter apparel sale is up & running! The sale is available ONLINE ONLY this year. Lots of gift ideas for your Bulldog fan! Please place your orders using the link below by November 14. Delivery will be before December 22.
There will be a high school girls’ basketball parent/player/coach meeting tonight at 6:00 PM right after practice.
Our November PTSO meeting will be Tuesday, November 9 at 3:45 in the LMC. Babysitting will be provided. There will also be a zoom link for those unable to attend in person. We hope to see you there.
This Day in History: On November 8, 1895, physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (1845-1923) becomes the first person to observe X-rays, a significant scientific advancement that would ultimately benefit a variety of fields, most of all medicine, by making the invisible visible.
Word of the Day: Demagogue dem-uh-gog Demagogue is a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power. The country's voters ousted the demagogue who capitalized on the fears of the people.
Elementary—Aaron Wetley
H.S./M.S.—Haydn Howe and Adrianna Logue
Last night, Ithaca held their Literacy Night planned by Ms. Schmitt and Mrs. Newkirk. We appreciate all of the families that attended the event.
We began the event by discussing the Title 1 Reading Program. Each family enjoyed a bag of popcorn and a drink while watching A Tale of Despereaux. The event concluded with students picking out books to read at home.
We would like to thank Mrs. Plonka and the Ithaca PTSO for donating the popcorn, Mr. Hess for setting up the technology, Mr. Wastlick and the custodial staff for assistance with set up, Mrs. Thompson for advertising for this event, Mrs. Steinmetz, Erica Steinmetz, Tristen Peterson, and Elise and Kailey Newkirk for your assistance prior to and during the event, and the administration and school board for allowing us to have the event.
Just in time for Christmas present planning, the PTSO Apparel Store is open! The sale is available ONLINE ONLY this year. Lots of gift ideas for your Bulldog fan! Items for all ages. Using the link below to go to the Ithaca PTSO Facebook page to find the link to shop. Place orders by November 14. Delivery will be before December 22.
Nov 5th, 2021
Today is a Day 2
Lunch for today: First Choice - BBQ Chicken Sub, Second Choice - Pizza Burger, Mixed Vegetable, Pears, Dessert, Milk
Football Calendar Raffle Winner for November 5th, Amanda Fowell - Congratulations!
FBLA dues need to be submitted to Elise Newkirk or Mrs. Burnley by today.
Last night, Ithaca held their Literacy Night planned by Ms. Schmitt and Mrs. Newkirk. We appreciate all of the families that attended the event. We began the event by discussing the Title 1 Reading Program. Each family enjoyed a bag of popcorn and a drink while watching A Tale of Despereaux. The event concluded with students picking out books to read at home. We would like to thank Mrs. Plonka and the Ithaca PTSO for donating the popcorn, Mr. Hess for setting up the technology, Mr. Wastlick and the custodial staff for assistance with set up, Mrs. Thompson for advertising for this event, Mrs. Steinmetz, Erica Steinmetz, Tristen Peterson, and Elise and Kailey Newkirk for your assistance prior and during the event, and the administration and school board for allowing us to have the event.
The PTSO winter apparel sale is up & running! The sale is available ONLINE ONLY this year. Lots of gift ideas for your Bulldog fan! Please place your orders using the link below by November 14. Delivery will be before December 22.
There will be a high school girls’ basketball parent/player/coach meeting on Monday, November 8th at 6:00 PM right after practice.
Attention all volleyball players and families! The pizza will NOT be delivered today. It will now be WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10th from 4pm until 5pm. All high school players not in basketball will be expected to help immediately after school. If you are unable to pick up your order during that time, you must make arrangements for someone else to do so.
Our November PTSO meeting will be Tuesday, November 9 at 3:30 in the LMC. Babysitting will be provided. There will also be a zoom link for those unable to attend in person. We hope to see you there.
There will be a popcorn sale today. Cost is 50 cents a bag, limit 2 bags per student please. Proceeds this week will go to the Kindergarten class. Middle school students we will sell in your hallway by the elementary doors during your breakfast. High school we will sell in the hallway by the vending machine during your breakfast.
Seniors, check your emails! Mrs. Burnley sent links to upload your senior portrait, Baby picture, and Then & Now picture directly to the Josten's website or they can be emailed to Mrs. Burnley. Feel free to forward the Josten's link to your photographer or email it to the adult helping you with your pictures. The email also has a link to submit your Senior Quote and Senior Legacy. Thank you to the seniors who have already submitted your pictures and statements to the yearbook staff. The deadline is NOVEMBER 24!
This Day in History: 1941 On November 5, 1941, the Combined Japanese Fleet receives Top-Secret Order No. 1: In just over a month's time, Pearl Harbor is to be bombed, along with Malaya (now known as Malaysia), the Dutch East Indies and the Philippines.
Word of the Day: camaraderie kahm-RAH-duh-ree noun Camaraderie is a feeling of good friendship among the people in a group.There is a strong sense of camaraderie among the staff.
16 of our Ithaca FFA Students travelled to River Ridge this week for CDE contests. They learned a lot and are excited to compete this spring for state qualification.
Teams included: Horses- Arianna Louis, Josie Laue, Maggie Kershner, and Brooklyn Granger; Livestock- Bailey Wanless, Tristen Peterson, Holly King, Talena Sprecher, Elli Durst, Hailey Boon, Logan Anderson, Violet Dilley, Katelynn Fry, Ryan Bermeier, and Hailey Allison
Nov 4th, 2021
Today is a Day 1
Lunch for today: First Choice - Hambruger, Second Choice - Fish Sticks, Steamed Carrots, Caesar Salad, Applesauce, Dinner Roll, Milk
The schedule today for Band and Choir is: 6th Grade - Choir, 7th and 8th Grade - Band. HS - Day 1 Schedule.
There will be a high school girls’ basketball meeting today for all players during Seminar time in Mr. Klang's room.
There's an open mat wrestling again tonight from 6-7 PM in the multipurpose room.
Football Calendar Raffle Winner for November 4th Phil Raupp - Congratulations!
Congrats to the winners of the costume contest hosted by the high school Student Council. For most creative costume, Micah Salisbury and Emma Schoen won with their Fire and Ice duo. For scariest, Moses Ruch won. For funniest costume, Paige Nowiki won with her Stitch outfit. Thank you to all the participants! The winners will be contacted to receive their prizes.
FBLA dues need to be submitted to Elise Newkirk or Mrs. Burnley by Friday, Nov. 5.
Attention all volleyball players and families! The pizza delivery will NOT be Friday. It will now be WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10th from 4pm until 5pm. All high school players not in basketball will be expected to help immediately after school. If you are unable to pick up your order during that time, you must make arrangements for someone else to do so.
Seniors, check your emails! Mrs. Burnley sent links to upload your senior portrait, Baby picture, and Then & Now picture directly to the Josten's website or they can be emailed to Mrs. Burnley. Feel free to forward the Josten's link to your photographer or email it to the adult helping you with your pictures. The email also has a link to submit your Senior Quote and Senior Legacy. Thank you to the seniors who have already submitted your pictures and statements to the yearbook staff. The deadline is NOVEMBER 24!
Our November PTSO meeting will be Tuesday, November 9 at 3:30 in the LMC. Babysitting will be provided. There will also be a zoom link for those unable to attend in person. We hope to see you there.
There will be a popcorn sale this Friday, November 5. Cost is 50 cents a bag, limit 2 bags per student please. Proceeds this week will go to the Kindergarten class. Middle school students we will sell in your hallway by the elementary doors during your breakfast. High school we will sell in the hallway by the vending machine during your breakfast.
We are bringing back the Archery Club! If you are interested in bow hunting and archery please attend an informational and sign-up meeting for Archery Club on Thursday November 4th during ATTACK in Mr. Klang's Room (Room number 313). Anyone remotely interested in joining please come to the meeting to learn more. Archery club will be open to 6th through 12th grade students.
This Day in History: 1922 British archaeologist Howard Carter and his workmen discover a step leading to the tomb of King Tutankhamen in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt on November 4, 1922.
Word of the Day: Ad-lib means "to improvise" or "to deliver spontaneously." The actor forgot his lines, so he ad-libbed.
Elementary—Gavin Hilby
H.S./M.S.—Ryan Biermeier