From Prinicpals Mr. Lechnir and Mrs. Schoen:
April 28, 2020
Good Afternoon Parents/Guardians of Ithaca students,
All Ithaca staff hope you are remaining safe and healthy during this time. We are a resource for you, so please call the school if you need assistance with anything. We encourage you to continue receiving the free breakfast and lunch meals daily by completing the survey each week that is on the school website..
The school will be open this Friday, May 1, from 10 AM-6 PM, for you to return student work packets. Be sure your child’s name is on all papers/packets.
There are some items for students to pick up. Teachers will have communicated with you or your child if items are set aside for pick up.
Please maintain social distancing and follow the signs for entering and exiting the building. .
Again we ask for only one (1) adult /student in the building per family.
Teachers are contacting parents and students weekly either by email or phone call. If you have not been contacted yet, please call the school office to ensure we have an accurate phone number in our system. Assigned student learning should be completed. ”
Upcoming packet drop offs are May 15 and 29 from 10 AM until 6 PM. Be sure your child’s name is on all papers.
Be well and stay well,
Principals Mr. Chris Lechnir and Mrs. Kathleen Shoen
Urgent Message from Mr. Lechnir and Mrs. Schoen
April 28, 2020