Ithaca's Raptor System - Parent / Guardian / Community / Vendors
Hello Ithaca parents, guardians, and community members.
Ithaca has gone high(er) tech with regards to the tracking of visitors, substitute teachers, parents, guardians, community members, vendors, and students coming and going around the campus.
The Raptor is being put into place for one SIMPLE reason....SAFETY!!! The safety of everyone! The safety of staff, students, visitors, vendors, community members, guardians, and parents. Plus, it gives us GREAT accountability as we will know, with the click of a mouse, who (substitute teachers, vendors, visitors and students) is in our building and WHY.
What is the Raptor System? Simply put, it is a system in our office that will take visitors drivers license information, compare it to offender registries and then create a record of when and where you are in the building and create a STICKY BADGE to display.

Who needs to run a drivers license or state issued ID through our Raptor System? Vendors, parents and guardians entering the campus and/or picking up a student, community members going past the office area, substitute teachers, and visitors.
Who needs to wear a sticky badge in the building? Anyone who is on campus and is NOT a regular employee or student.

Will students use this system? Yes. When a student leaves the campus anytime between 7:55 AM and 3:20 PM for ANY reason besides a school sponsored event (competition, field trip etc.). Also, when a student enters the campus anytime AFTER 7:55 AM. Those students will no longer have a white or blue slip from the office, instead THIS (see below) is what they will be issued by the office personnel (we are working with Skyward to get student pictures pushed to our system as well). This system is for ANY student (Elementary, Middle or High) that meets the above criteria for entering or leaving the campus. All students will need to have a school issued ID ready when requesting a slip from the office.